Is Suzanne a psychic or a medical intuitive? Does she have x-ray vision? Can she tell me what's wrong with me?
Suzanne does not claim to have x-ray vision, be a medical intuitive or a psychic. If you have a health concern, please see your healthcare provider.Is Suzanne a medium? Can she help me resolve issues with deceased relatives?
Even though people have reported resolution with deceased relatives as a result of her work, Suzanne does not call herself a medium. She does not experience anyone or anything as foreign. She feels a oneness with everyone and experiences all people in terms of her Self. Also, she experiences the past and future in the present, so whether someone is alive or deceased is not a problem with her work.I am skeptical about your Distance Healings. Is there research substantiating they work?
Suzanne welcomes skepticism and believes it's good to be discriminating, ask questions and think for yourself. Some distance healers may have good intentions but are not effective.Hundreds of people have documented their personal results with Suzanne's Distance Healings.
Scientists have been doing research on Suzanne since 1972. A small portion is posted on this website. Of particular interest is research done in 1993 by Larry Farwell, PhD, Harvard educated and former faculty member, chief scientist of the Human Brain Research Laboratory and inventor of Brain Fingerprinting. He conducted pioneering research with Suzanne and 22 other subjects to see if it was possible to command matter by mere intention. His father, George W. Farwell, PhD, Professor of Physics, Emeritus, at the University of Washington, collaborated and set up the scientific apparatus. (For the curious or scientifically minded, this equipment consisted of a small natural alpha-particle source, a solid-state particle detector, amplifiers, a single-channel analyzer and pulse shaper, an oscilloscope, and a computer with a digitizer board.)
Suzanne had excellent results, showing she had a direct effect at the quantum mechanical level and was able to influence matter by mere intention. What was previously thought to be impossible was not only observed but also recorded. The group research had results 250 times greater than that required for statistical significance (p < 0.0002). The findings were published in 1995 in "Quantum-Mechanical Processes and Consciousness" in the Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 40, 2, 956-57 and presented at the American Physical Society Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April 1995. CBS Evening News, ABC World News, CNN Headline News, the Discovery Channel, the New York Times, the Washington Post and US News and World Report have featured Dr. Larry Farwell and his discoveries.
Dr. Farwell explains how people like Suzanne can command matter, and he gives details of his experiments in his book How Consciousness Commands Matter: The New Scientific Revolution and the Evidence that Anything Is Possible. Lynn McTaggart's book, The Intention Experiment, explains other successful group experiments in which Suzanne participated.
How does a Distance Healing work? How can Suzanne have an effect on someone thousands of miles away?
As research shows, Suzanne's brain functions in a powerful and coherent way. Both Dr. Farwell's book, How Consciousness Commands Matter, and Lynn McTaggart's book, The Intention Experiment, explain in detail how people like Suzanne can affect others in a positive way with mere intention. These books also cover successful group experiments in which Suzanne participated.A simple explanation is that we are all part of nature. We are all connected on the level of universal intelligence, omnipresent consciousness, the unified field. Consequently, we can affect each other even from a distance. Suzanne taps into universal intelligence for all good. Since 1976, great seers and sages such as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi have described her as a catalyst and said she has a positive influence on other people and their experiences.
Is there anything I can do to get better results from Suzanne's services?
For maximum enjoyment in life, it generally helps to be well rested, go to bed early and follow a healthy lifestyle. Also be open to new ideas and helpful solutions that may come your way. Many people have reported this happening after Distance Healings.I don’t have funds right now; is there anything I can do to help my situation in the meantime?
Yes! You can join in on the free Global Group Healing Sessions. Subscribe to Suzanne's newsletter below to be notified when they are available. Of course, following a healthy lifestyle is helpful for maximum enjoyment in life. Do your best to eat well, exercise and be well rested. Doing volunteer work or donating even a small amount to the causes or charities of your choice can help some on the karmic level.How do I know if I should do the Distance Healings?
If you find yourself thinking about them or feel drawn to do them.What am I supposed to do during a Distance Healing?
You don't have to do anything. Your Distance Healings work no matter where you are and what you are doing. For maximum enjoyment in life, it generally helps to be well rested, go to bed early and follow a healthy lifestyle. Also be open to new ideas and helpful solutions that may come your way. Many people have reported this happening.Is a session with Suzanne a replacement for seeing a doctor, lawyer, career counselor or other professional?
No. If you have a medical concern, please see your healthcare provider and consider getting their recommended medical tests. If you don't like what the healthcare provider says, consider getting a second opinion.If you need other professional advice, please consult the appropriate professional such as a lawyer, accountant, broker, psychologist or career counselor.