Oprah, documentaries with David Lynch and Swiss filmmakers, the Associated Press, Buddha at the Gas Pump, Studies by Stanford, Walter Day Award, new brainwave research, international study on the happiest, most enlightened people. For updates, discounts and group healing notifications, subscribe to Suzanne's free monthly newsletter.


 Lynda RuthVersailleeirik vatvedtMichael korenBarry McNickleAlexandra RodriguesCindy BurksRochette Gilles  

Suzanne is devoted to helping all people, no matter their ideology, religion or culture. She does not take credit for the benefits people receive from her services, but merely serves as a catalyst for enlivening their own innate healing abilities and inner wisdom. Since each person is different, results may vary. Your experiences will be unique and may depend on various factors such as your nature and lifestyle.
 Below, some people have given more than one report because they have enjoyed Suzanne's services for an extended period of time.


What your friends are saying

"My mother was feeling very sick with Covid  and has improved significantly! It's a huge relief. Her splitting headache went away, so she slept well last night. She was very worried about getting a stroke. Her fever is also gone! She will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow! We are feeling great reverence and awe because we have no doubt that Suzanne's healing has made a huge difference in my mother's condition, which otherwise might have resulted in a very different situation. Thank you, Suzanne, for your ongoing healing support, for being with us and caring. We appreciate everything you do. We love you so much."
Wenjing Dong

"Please pass my heartfelt thanks to Suzanne and to all of you on her team. As a family, it has been wonderful to receive Suzanne’s attention. My shoulder mobility has effortlessly improved in this last week, and my son’s Distance Healing just happened to be scheduled for his 16th birthday! We are a pretty harmonious little unit, but asking for and opening to receive Suzanne’s assistance for whatever is needed seems to have given us all a nudge toward a new, even more positive phase. May these benefits become limitless and heal all beings, causing all suffering to cease."

"After Mitchell’s double bypass surgery, the surgeon came to speak with me. His face looked so bright and happy; I wondered if he had just won the lottery. He said, 'I have never seen this type of surgery go so well!' A month ago, this surgeon said that Mitchell was going to lose his kidney function as a result of the surgery. The doctors were very concerned he would not survive the stress of the operation. But his kidneys never shut down. In fact, everything was working great and still is!!

"Another surprise: The renal physician gave an unexpected visit to Mitchell in the intermediate care unit. The physician said with a big grin, 'Thank you for proving me wrong.' Both the surgeon and the renal physician had been sure that Mitchell's kidneys would not survive the operation.

"Before the surgery, I told the medical team about you, Suzanne. No one blinked an eye. They were open to embrace whatever it takes to heal. Afterward, one of the attending nurses wanted to know everything about you. As I talked, she smiled and nodded her head. She got it.

"Two days later: Mitch is very clear, has good color and is eating solid food.

"Five days later: Mitch gets to go home! His recovery is a miracle. You are our miracle."
Mitchell & Judith Price

A note from Suzanne: "Several weeks later, I saw Mitchell and Judith strolling around the booths of our local farmers market, carrying large potted flowers. It was so heartwarming to see how healthy he looked. I could have cried, but I was too happy. We hugged and had a wonderful talk. Mitch cracked jokes. Despite the tremendous physical and emotional stresses he had recently been through, he had not lost his sense of humor. Not only was his heart working, it was spreading love and joy around."

"I listen and listen again to your 'Trading Places with God' recording. It reminds me of an experience I had when doing the TM Sidhi Course. One morning I woke up in a different world, a world of deep silence, pure silence, sweet and intense energy, a world without limit. 'I,' my individuality, had just disappeared, there was no more distance with people, no distance at all with everything. I can't say I understood. I just knew. It was so easy, so beautiful, so natural that I wasn't aware of what was going on. I realized that only when the experience faded away. That experience has changed my mind. Dear Suzanne, you gave me the courage to open my heart. It touched me deeply to share with you."
Christiane Blanc

"I started monthly healing sessions with Suzanne over a year ago but hadn’t noticed anything new. At the time I was in poor health, deeply unhappy with my living situation, and I couldn’t find any way out. I thought I might die there. Then, seemingly out of the blue, my circumstances changed radically. Suddenly, I am living in a new city that I love, in a new apartment that I love, among new friends that I love, with good food and other benefits I didn’t have before, with my health being visibly transformed from the inside. 

"I think it is just this: that when the solution is near and changes come fast, they appear miraculous. But when solutions are far away, it takes time to manifest, and that is no less a miracle. It has taken time for all the parts to come together to do what I would have thought to be impossible—to move me over 100 miles away to a place I never would have thought of moving. I didn’t really see a lot of benefits before, but after all this time, I have a strong sense of Suzanne’s smiling presence, having bulldozed through all that darkness, saying, 'So, now, there you have it.'

"Thanks, Suzanne. I really think this is your blessing."
Glenda Pliler

"Since my first healing, I have noticed that nature support seems to be stronger in my life. The whole overall arc of my life has taken a turn for the better. For example, I recently landed a job which seems tailor-made for my particular personality and qualities. The whole thing just felt effortless and easy, like they were waiting for me and recognized me when I arrived."
Hamish Davidson

"The best way I know how to describe how I feel during the Group Healing is 'plugged in.' It’s as though my energetic field is entrained with cosmic intelligence, and I’m lifted to a higher state of consciousness and bliss. It feels remarkable and lasts throughout the rest of the day, as though I’ve taken a dose of 'Felix Felicis' (for Harry Potter fans)—every action supported by the entire universe. Cooking lunch? Bliss! Washing the dishes? Heaven on earth! The insights and clarity I gain are precious and nourishing, and I am so grateful to you, Suzanne, for offering these Group Healings. I very much look forward to future ones :)."
Jenifer Fairchild

"Suzanne's healing over the past six months has been invaluable. My first request was for a healing package for my uncle, who had recently been in the hospital and asked me to contact Suzanne. After being discharged, he needed a catheter, which caused him great distress. Soon after Suzanne’s Distance Healing, he no longer required the catheter, and five months later he is still catheter-free.

"I later asked Suzanne to help with an extremely difficult family situation, where I was prevented from visiting my 90-year-old bedridden father. I asked her to send healing love to multiple family members. Over the course of four months, the situation improved, and I was recently able to spend time with him. 

"Suzanne also helped my father directly more than once, when he needed urgent healing in recent months. He was in the hospital for a severe urinary tract infection, and the doctors were discussing the possibility of surgery. Soon after Suzanne’s healings, he stabilized and was able to return home. 

"On the days Suzanne performs her healings, I feel uplifted, even during challenging times. I often gain clear insights and Listening to her Inner Circle recordings, I’ve achieved a deep level of relaxation that’s difficult for me to reach otherwise. Most importantly, much of the anger I have been holding has completely dissipated, so I can move forward and navigate challenging situations more successfully. 

"I cannot express enough gratitude for Suzanne’s loving healings. She is a gem—a genuine healer who has dedicated her life to this work and connects to source in a way that few can. I send my heartfelt appreciation."
Cully Bloom 


"Your art is so light and beautiful. It really does make me smile to see it."
Marilyn Fox

"I gifted Recurring Distance Healing Subscriptions for a friend, my son and 20 other people. I wanted to share, when I closed my eyes to visualize my friend in perfect health, I could feel the effects of the work that Suzanne is causing. My mind settled into the prayer more quickly and easily than usual, and I experienced my own prayer occurred in a light, peace and wholeness that uplifted me as well. It's a relief to me to know that Suzanne is working on, even though I understand that she regards the Divine as the Healer and herself as the facilitator or knower of the process. Thank you."
Rabbi Eli Mallon, M.Ed., LCSW

"I'm writing this note to express my sincere gratitude for what you've done for me. I know you'd say it wasn't you but what comes through you. :)  A couple of weeks ago, I reached out in desperation for a Distance Healing. Michael Speight, my TM mentor, suggested I reach out to you after I told him that I had been hospitalized with acute hepatitis after having contracted COVID. My situation was dire. I think the doctors were puzzled and didn't know what to do. Honestly, I think they thought that I might be dying. I know that I did. 

 "I had my first healing from you the Monday after being discharged. I think I felt it. I had a strange kundalini type experience that night when I went to bed.  The next day, Will, from your staff, emailed me that you'd be giving me consecutive healings on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. By Friday, I was already beginning to feel better. By Sunday, I felt surprisingly better. I saw a GI Specialist on Monday. He remarked that he was surprised at how quickly I turned the corner. I saw my chiropractor/functional doctor on Wednesday. He was floored when he saw me. My skin tone went from highlighter yellow the previous week to almost normal. He shared with me that he thought that I was really close to dying. 

 "Yesterday, I had some repeat blood work done, and it has improved significantly. I'm astonished, really. I feel great. I even have been able to do some light exercise to rebuild the 13 pounds of muscle that I lost.   

"I am beyond grateful to you and the other amazing practitioners and people in my life. With sincere gratitude and love."
Michael Winiarz

"I'd like to express my gratitude for your help and loving support on my journey. I recently ordered 40 Distance Healings over three months and then ordered 24 Recurring Distance Healings, and I can certainly say that, since then, things have turned in a much more positive and constructive direction in my life overall."
Erik Visser

"During the Group Healing, I felt a big flood of energy coming into my body. After that, I felt energized. I have never had these experiences before. Thank you so much."
Ninet Pennant

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am full of gratitude. My children look happy and peaceful, and the little one, Reina, seems to settle down very well. Sometimes I feel something is happening, maybe during the healing time."
Christiane Blanc

"Wonderful, thank you for sending me the multimedia knowledge. And when I looked at your drawings, they uplifted me so much!! I sense your drawings enliven wholeness and bliss just by looking at them!  Thanks for keeping me informed and on your mailing list."
Pat Hardigree

"About a week ago, Friday night, I became aware that you were soothingly nourishing my heart and mind. You gently massaged each, back and forth, strengthening and purifying. Though twice a family member spoke with me, each time I turned back my attention, you were there, gently nurturing me. Thank you for blessing me, Suzanne. Thank you with all my heart!"
Don Harkey

Lynda Ruth
"The only thing I’ve done differently for my cancer is regular treatments from Suzanne. Over the months, my test results gradually improved to normal. It’s been two years now and I am still cancer-free."
Lynda Ruth

"Yes, the Ratna/Dhatamam experience is so deep and beautiful, and I actually have you to thank for that knowledge. In one of our sessions, you discussed that layer of awareness, and after that, it had value for me and caused me to pursue more clarity of the experience. In that pursuit, the process and avenue to that loka (place) revealed itself. The power and beauty of the crest jewel (for lack of a better name) was a complete surprise–way more than expected. Again, thank you so much for your blessings."
Jim Rocca

"Suzanne, I was deeply moved by your sincere sharing of your beautiful experience of Supreme Love. I feel full of infinite love and joy. Thank you."
Ray Farmilo

Mitchell Price
 "My health was deteriorating rapidly, and Suzanne helped turn that around. I think she saved my life."
Mitchell Price

"Bob's colonoscopy went very smoothly. The test revealed that he has healed perfectly from the last procedure, with no sign of other polyps or pre-cancerous growths. In the three days of your attention, Bob experienced periods of unusually strong bliss. He continues to get physically stronger and more blissful. We float in the grace of God and know that God's plan is perfect and that God's will structures our every day. Thank you for the blessings of your divine healings."
Bob and Kathy Butler

"Your experiences are just exquisite and glorious, dear Suzanne. When I read them, I could feel or sense just the faintest echo of what you are describing. Even that faint echo is a gift. Thank you."
Steven Winn

"I have no words but thank you from my heart for the Urgent Distance Healing. I feel the light of hope and life again. I was in a dire place. Things didn’t work out as expected, and insomnia was breaking me. Now, to feel peace and hope again is everything. I am very grateful."
Maaike Aarts

Lina Leimonte
"So grateful to Suzanne for rewiring me, helping me to see karmic blind spots and giving such great support and tips. Her insights prompted me to start really taking care of myself and asking for help from people around me as well as the Divine, my parents and ancestors, celestial beings and guides."
Lina Leimonte

"I am so grateful for the help with my mother! Anyone who receives Suzanne's attention benefits greatly. If she puts her attention on a rock, she could make it hop!"
Pat Hardigree

Annie Fouilhac
"I appreciate Suzanne's care very much. My pain has eased in my left leg and lower back. I feel much more lightness and gentleness in my life, and I am learning to regulate my activity. Thank you very much."
Annie Fouilhac

"My experience during and after the webinar has been outstanding. My energy has been super activated. I shifted into a stronger core. I received valuable insights and was able to transform energy around several things. One of them was my relationship with money. Another was I learned how to improve my relationship with three members of my household. Sleep has been great, which is a nice bonus! I continue to enjoy an experience of lightness, watchfulness and non-attachment to all I see. It’s a delightful way of being that allows me to move beyond the small stuff. Deep gratitude to Suzanne for sharing her considerable gift as a facilitator and healer." 
Gail Evans

"I tried calling my sister Kate a few days after she had Suzanne's Distance Healings, and for the first time in perhaps a year or so, she was able to have a long conversation and her voice was clear and vibrant. Before that, she could barely croak out a short conversation, as she lacked energy and voice for reasons no one could pinpoint. While she has a galaxy of stressors on the body, the enduring loss of voice puzzled the doctors. I believe that Suzanne's Distance Healings played a key role in the relief she found." 
Anne Melfi

 Rochette Gilles
"During the two weeks of Distance Healings, I felt as if a powerful yagya [sacred ceremony] was performed for me."
Rochette Gilles

"I have noticed a distinct lifting of my spirits, an enlivening of my life force. I have felt increased optimism and a tangible sense of connection to others. Less 'I, me, mine' and more 'we, us, ours.'  Most notable is an intense deepening of silence during [meditation] program. These experiences have all resulted in a feeling of increased hopefulness. Of course, all of these noticings are very subtle and feel very intimate to me. However, as I have been out for my daily walks, people have been smiling at me and saying hello. As I was walking to meet my daughter for a beautiful spring walk on Sunday, a woman called to me from her second-floor balcony. She said, 'I saw you coming from two blocks away and I had to say hello!' It was so heart-warming, such a joy! It must be the Light! All of these experiences have contributed to a feeling of the lifting of a weight that I had seemed to be carrying when I requested the Distance Healings. I am so grateful for these results, and I look forward to regular healings over the next few months and years."
Suzanne Hooper

"I’m very touched by the attention and concern from Suzanne. I talk to her inside when I feel her presence, and she gives me happiness."
Marie France-Graude

"The basal cell carcinoma on my right temple seems to be resolving! I'm doing nothing besides your Distance Healings. It's not completely gone yet, but it is well on its way if the current trend continues." [Note that Suzanne's services are not a replacement for medical treatment. Lee reports that because he's a doctor he can closely monitor his condition.]
Lee Nelson

"I am writing to thank Suzanne for the Distance Healing sessions. Previously, I had pains in my lower stomach/uterus area which have now ceased."
Miah Harris

"There was definitely an energetic shift with Jameella over the last days. She gained some strength and her consciousness is very clear. Thank you for your compassion and care!" 
Werner Pfleger

"Danni, my pet, had a very swift recovery. When I contacted Suzanne on Sunday for an emergency Distance Healing, her platelet count was zero. Thursday, tests revealed a 381,000 platelet count! Danni is more spritely. Thank you so much for your Divine healing."
Colette Usher

"Suzanne's Distance Healings have been a miracle for Michael. He has been responding very well. He wasn't even able to lift himself up, and now he can. This helps me, because I have a bad back. So, my back is starting to heal! His pain level has gone from 10 to 5/6. His mind is a bit clearer too, so he can be more engaged in life. We are looking forward to more miracles! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Evelyn Perricone

"I ordered my mother a series of three healings. She didn’t know about it, but when I talked to her she said she felt more energetic and uplifted but didn’t know why."
Sam Campbell

"Two months ago, I ordered a Distance Healing from Suzanne because I was feeling very weak. Now, I feel so much stronger, and of course I am very happy about that. Something else has been noticed very clearly—great support of nature. Whenever I need something, someone gives it to me before I ask. Problems that arise are being solved almost by themselves. I feel I am constantly being led by an unseen hand. My long-time dream has come true this month, which is another great support of nature. My book is being published!"
Birgitta Larsson

"Thanks to Suzanne for all she does, not only for me and my family, but everyone she helps. She is a true blessing. Our discussions are such a joy for me. I appreciate every morsel of knowledge and grace that she bestows. As I move through the days, a little something here and there reminds me of what we discussed, and it proves helpful."
Jim Rocca

"We want to thank Suzanne for her precious help throughout last year. We are all doing well. Thank you deeply."
Lisette Gohier

"I wanted to let you know that yesterday evening late, after several rounds around the neighborhood and it was already getting dark, I found Ramo, sitting in front of the house on the street. I was in tears of relief and gratitude. I am still in awe that he appeared at the house again about half an hour after I got your message that Suzanne had started the Urgent Distance Healing. I want to thank you again from my heart and soul for the healing and support you gave him."
Maaike Aarts

"Zap! Whatever Suzanne did, something big is going on. I experienced lots of happiness, and even work was phenomenally fun. Later I was listening to the radio, and every syllable was a wave of bliss. It didn't matter what they were saying. Also, I love the personal suggestions she gave me. I have deep admiration for what she is doing in the world and for all the light that is showering me and everyone now. Something verrrrrrrrrrrrry good is happening."
Donald Sosin

"I can feel the healings, and they are truly amazing! I will look into getting a Recurring Distance Healing Subscription."
Djamila Kika

"Suzanne is very good at holding space for healing to occur. I felt her calming energy. She is the ONLY one to confirm my feeling of what has been happening to me for a couple of years."
Walt Ingvoldstad

"I highly recommend Suzanne for any kind of healing. It was very relaxing, purifying and uplifting. Opened up my heart." 
Tom Kroupa

"I'm recovering from knee replacement, and Suzanne's Distance Healings have helped me for sure. Now, I can walk every day for 30 to 40 minutes with my dog, Sally. By the way, I enjoy reading every word in Suzanne's blog posts."  
Lisette Gohier

"With Suzanne, little by little the miracle happened. I had an inner transformation, thanks to her. Now I know what it means to be calm and optimistic. I have the feeling that whatever happens, even if it is bad, I have that inner strength to face it, that I am never alone. During the sessions with Suzanne, I had profound experiences of emerging into Universal and Infinite love, into Pure Consciousness. And if in some way you have known Suzanne, I can only say one thing. Nature has decided to help you through her."
Dr. Rodica Mardari

"Thank you for the beautiful and heartfelt recording. I will practice this as it brings joy to others and myself." 
Paul Chandler

"Suzanne's attention has been so vital for me. I feel cured, I feel Myself, in contentment."
Marie France-Graude

"I received your newsletter today. Thank you so much for all these treasures!! They could not be more timely."
Suzanne Hooper

"I must express how interesting a month it has been, and I do not believe it is a coincidence that Suzanne’s Distance Healings have also happened this month. In the past, I have often witnessed profound synchronicities between my interests/desires and their manifestation in this world. This past month has presented more profound manifestations than ever before, and they've come with the greatest of ease. I feel that I've made great spiritual strides this month, and I am more connected to my Self than I ever have been before. It is also a wonder how I have easily shed poor habits, which I knew were holding me back. I have found myself deeply drawn to Vedic literature this month as well, and I have come to finally begin to understand it. I know that I must attribute this personal growth to God, but Suzanne's Distance Healings have happened to coincide with the transition into the greatest I've ever felt. Thank you, from my heart." 
Stephen Siemens

"My granddaughter is 12 days old and just a beauty. She has a smooth countenance and is already alert, watching us and being fascinated with swaying trees. She's so, so happy! Thank you! Suzanne's Distance Healings are not distant. They are quite near and helpful." 
Don Harkey

Jean Tremblay
"For 25 years, I ate uncontrollably, and I gained 100 pounds, which caused me great misery. I went to eating disorder clinics and support groups and did all the work suggested to no avail. After Suzanne put her attention on this, I haven't had any episodes of binge eating, and it's been four months. It's a miracle!"
Jean Tremblay

"My brother Tony told me that his recent visit to the doctor revealed that his blood sugar level is at peak performance. For years he's had to carefully monitor it to try to keep it steady. And while he's come close at times to a good level, the current report is stellar. He also said he feels especially great, mentally, emotionally and physically, really at the top of his gamestrong, energetic, clear and positive. I can't chalk it up to coincidence that this comes after Suzanne's Distance Healings."
Anne Melfi

"This last healing you did yesterday felt like it allowed me to re-cog-nize my own divinity—first, by seeing it, and by stepping into it and being it. Secondly, that divine experience spontaneously radiated in all directions for everyone and everything. I am the overflowing cup, radiating divinity to all. I find myself simply resting in that state."
Jim Rocca

"I found the session to be very validating and empowering. I have been feeling more confident about moving forward in a new direction."
Kim Lavoie

"Suzanne faithfully supported us during Bob’s healing process with Parkinson’s disease. Suzanne is blessed with a rare gift. She is able to perceive creation at its finest level, where she can direct her attention to help with the mitigation of karma."
Bob and Kathy Butler

"After receiving Suzanne’s monthly newsletter: "Wow! What a beautiful experience, Suzanne! Just reading it I can feel the love and consciousness, and it uplifts me. I had pain in the right ankle for the last two days. I could hardly walk. Your beautiful experience may explain why that pain disappeared today and also why I had that subtle happiness (bliss) the whole day."
Gilles Rochette

"Suzanne's presence during my eye surgery was so precious. Several times during the surgery and afterward, I saw a delicate pink and purple light, which will be forever with me. After three days of healing, I suddenly began to SEE like it was the first time! I was watching the Sri Krishna video by Ramanand Sagar, and suddenly Krishna turned to me face-to-face and began to talk to me: 'Cease to be heroic, confronting obstacles in the field of action, just surrender to me!' I was profoundly touched by Krishna’s words melting in my heart. The space around him expanded, and the screen became iridescent, the colors exalted. It was so magical.  I turned my head to the right, and my eyes fell on a painting by Claude Monet behind a golden lamp. There was a three-dimensional perspective to the landscape, and my eyes perceived infinity. I was invited to enter that world and enjoy the beautiful and so soft pink and purple light of the snow around a church. The expansion of my sight was a spatial expression of the expansion of my heart due to the words of Krishna. The space became filled with tangible pink and purple iridescent light, and I could see the transparency and the purity of open space. I continued to feel the softness, and while lying in bed I experienced peace, infinite peace. 

"In the bathroom the next morning, the sink and the bath were shining with the soft pink-purple iridescent color, and in the kitchen the fire was gorgeous.  Each eye was seeing a different color, keeping its integrity.

"It's like I'm in a Walt Disney movie with colored glasses, which are my own eyes, fully equipped for the new Age of Enlightenment. The marvel of it all is that the magic is now very normal, and I have forgotten how it was before. I am feeling a vast ocean of contentment and calmness. My desires are subdued. Between my surgeon and Suzanne, I wonder how I will be able to thank them both enough. I’m so grateful to my two angels, one on the physical ground, the other one on the level of divine light."
Marie-France Graude

"The pain level for Michael's clavicle has decreased significantly. The general infection in his lower legs seems to be reduced and the infection in his lungs seems to be gone, as he is not coughing anymore. Well done and thank you!"
Evelyn Perricone

"I felt like Suzanne has truly seen the real me, which feeds my confidence in my hopes and dreams. I also felt the breaking open of resistance to intimacy, of loving and being loved."
Sallie Morgan

Catharine Titus
"Each person has an inherent gift to heal herself and the world. Suzanne Stryker’s gift is to help us see this in ourselves and guide us to self-healing."
Catharine Titus

Barry McNickle
"Thank you for the last Distance Healing. It was very encouraging. I have already lost 10 pounds."
Barry McMickle

Alexandra Rodrigues 
"When I purchased Distance Healings from Suzanne, it was during a difficult time in my inner journey, where I was encountering intense fear of death. I had incessant thoughts of my own death and about worst-case scenarios that could happen with my health. After about the second Distance Healing, I began to notice deep resolution of this issue occurring in my dreams. One night, I dreamt that a friend had died, but then she woke up out of her casket and said, 'Just kidding!' I woke up laughing and felt deeply healed on this issue. I felt that fear had been transmuted into lighthearted remembrance of my eternal nature. This was just the first of several of these types of 'resolution' dreams. My intrusive thoughts stopped, and I felt balanced and reconnected with my sense of well-being. I am so grateful to Suzanne for her work and to universal intelligence for helping me find her."
Alexandra Rodrigues

Cindy Burks
"My session was a great blessing. I felt a bubble of protection around me as I faced the possible death of my daughter. Remaining peaceful inside contributed to a positive outcome. Suzanne's powerful but tender loving care nourished me at just the right moment. Suzanne is a gift to mankind. Many thanks to this sweet lady."
Cindy Burks

"During the Group Healing this morning, I  had a beautiful experience. I felt like the top of my head had been opened, like a lid had been removed and energy flowed freely. My awareness was expanded, and everything felt light and bright and clear. After that , I had a very powerful kundalini experience."
Jenifer Fairchild

"With Suzanne's suggested ways of doing healing work, I'm able to do so much more in the healing of self and others. I honestly cannot say enough about her assistance. She is a true messenger of the divine."
Jim Rocca

Donald Sosin Testimonial
"A close relationship of mine that has been filled with grief and shame for several decades has been greatly softened. I feel that the enormous changes that have taken place are a direct result of Suzanne's attention since no other elements have been introduced to my life that would have caused this. Her extraordinary sensitivity to the deepest, subtlest levels of our lives places her among the rarest of healers and caregivers. I am so grateful!"
Donald Sosin

"Whenever I receive Distance Healings from Suzanne, circumstances come together to support needed growth or bring unexpected improvements in my life. These transformations are a tremendous catalyst to help me create the life I desire."
Michael Koren

"Suzanne is very sweet and helpful. I felt my mind moving, wrinkling and purifying several times while we were talking. I'm certain it was due to her Pure Self spontaneously working on me. Keep it up! I really want/need to be perfected more and more. I'm spiritually growing in leaps and bounds since she started the Distance Healings, and the growth continues with the Distance Healing that she is doing for my family and friends!"
Don Harkey

"After our Phone Session and completing my painting assignment, I am ready to tackle life again. I started out in despair, and after an hour I was feeling joy again. She is the real deal. She holds the space with such incredible understanding. And she gave me the tools I need to take my next step. Make an appointment. There will be no disappointment!"
Donna Catalfomo Howe

"Thank you so much for this gift of love, wisdom and healing. I had first requested a Distance Healing a couple of months ago for some emotional issues that my son had been struggling with. He has experienced some relief and has begun reaching out for help on his own. Since that time, I have felt that we are connected. Sometimes thoughts of Suzanne come to me, and I feel her energy, and I notice that is one of her scheduled Distance Healing times; there is trust. During those times, I just relax and allow the sensation of shifting and radiating energy as it occurs. I feel I have an active role in my own healing and the healing of all beings, the planet and beyond. Please know, this message comes unassumingly with all humility to The Divine, from The Divine, Herself."
Diane Adele

"We have been uncommonly happy these past months, so I’ll credit your attention for that!"
Donald Sosin

"Those special times of the Distance Healings are not a luxury. We can't envision leaving Suzanne's presence and Divine grace."
Marie-France Graude

Janet Evertson
"Thanks. It was a great Distance Healing. I was blown away by the energy. Wow!"
Janet Evertson

"I just talked to my sister Betty, who had Distance Healings from Suzanne. She has long been suffering from lack of energy and multiple allergies due to decades of Lyme disease. After the Distance Healings, she jumped out of bed with great energy, which is very unusual for her. She also received a referral from her doctor to get ozone treatments. Betty tends to resist advice, but now she's following up on it!"
Anne Melfi

Judith Hans-Price Testimonial
"Suzanne was right on the button about me! It felt freeing. I felt myself genuine, real and strong. I have taken her words of wisdom to heart and have felt a weight lifted from me."
Judith Hans-Price

"I don't think my life has ever been better. I started getting help from Suzanne almost five years ago for health reasons. I now have regular check-ups a couple times a year. One was just yesterday, and they are all good. I feel a really solid sense of well-being. But my life has improved on so many other levels, especially in the ways that are most important to me. This last year has been very easy for me. Because we couldn't travel, I was able to have a garden for the first time last summer. What a thrill! I am feeling much more inwardly connected to Nature these days and to all the layers of life from the most Divine to the most physical. You know, I kind of feel like a plant in Suzanne's garden! A delightful place to be. So thank you! Thank you, thank you!"
June Oliver

"Layer upon layer of unfoldment within light. At some point, energy came up from the earth, up through the chakras, which were bathed in light, but each clear chakra was a bubble. The energy rose through them, rendering an inaudible tone for each. The sequence continued––energy from earth, through each chakra, delivering a silent tone. The pace continued to accelerate and then there was just a rush of that energy flowing unobstructed through the chakras and up and out of the top of my head to the environment. The whole internal subtle body was awake with white light, flowing light from earth to heaven. Today, during my Transcendental Meditation program, that white light flow became golden sparkling light, vibrant within itself."
Jim Rocca

Lynn Owens
"What a huge help! Perfect timing. Helped smooth everything out and gave me courage to move ahead. Anyone who receives Suzanne's attention benefits greatly. Thank you with love and gratitude."
Lynn Owens

"Your new recordings are great—blissful, subtle and effective, right to the point of helping us address and dissolve some of our unconscious habits that subdue our own inner bliss. Also, one of Suzanne's more recent recordings opened me up to a level of silence so profound that I cognized the inner subtle mechanics of gratitude—how gratitude, by its very nature, generates the experience of the fulfillment of desire. Thank you."
Kathy and Bob Butler

"Suzanne is love incarnate! I have been feeling very positive with fewer feelings of loneliness than before. I think it is all because of her."
Eirik Vatvedt

"Thank you for the Recurring Distance Healings. I feel that I am back on track again. I am doing a better job of accepting people as they are and being compassionate rather than getting upset at them. I also feel like I am more aware of habits that are not serving me and am letting them go for other more balanced, healthy ways of being."
Robert Colangeli

"When I decided to come onboard for a few Distance Healing sessions, I was not sure what to expect, since I would not be interacting with Suzanne directly. What would be the benefits? Having listened to her Buddha at the Gas Pump interview a few times, I decided it was well worth a try. I felt the benefits of the Distance Healings already after the first session. As I was going about my day, I felt like a perfectly well-oiled machine, as if my engine was 'firing on all cylinders.' There was deep peace and silence inside and outside myself. Everything was as it was before (people walking about, activities to take care of at work, etc.) but now was infused with a sense of everything being where/how it is supposed to be. My usual environment was somehow brighter, as if someone (finally!) figured out that the lights were dimmed all along. I hope many will come across Suzanne's work. The world needs more peaceful people." 
Vincent Randy

"As Suzanne started speaking, I felt love fill me and the entire room and everywhere else. Her soft words dissipated the pessimism and cynicism that I have been feeling lately. She gave me exactly what I needed. I'm feeling transformed. Thank you!" 
Rich Sims

June Oliver
"The doctors were very surprised at how quickly my mother's kidneys recovered for a 95-year-old. Her nausea is gone, she's eating well and she's walking well with her walker. She even beat me at Scrabble! I'm very grateful and lucky to know Suzanne."
June Oliver

"After one Distance Healing from Suzanne, I feel amazingly clearer, more focused and more confident. My mind and soul hold more purity, and I sense that more of the 'real me' is coming through. There's better decision-making that's causing positive shifts in my actions and outlook. I'm really looking forward to more of Suzanne's Distance Healings. I'm pumped! When she did my first Distance Healing a few weeks ago, I felt that she was right there beside me influencing my thinking and actions for better. The effects of the Absolute moved me towards better thoughts and more positive actions. It was a huge blessing!" 
Don Harkey

"Thank you for sending me a link to the Family Karma recording [as a bonus to people receiving Distance Healings.] Associating with Suzanne is my good fortune or karma!! Thank you for being and giving what you are—Bliss! Stay wonderful and thank you for helping my mother and me to improve our coherence."
Pat Hardigree

"I just want to thank Suzanne for Saturday's webinar, specifically where she mentions working with 'God's Helpers.' There are so many fine layers of consciousness in the subtle. I wasn't sure which ones she was/is engaging. While Suzanne described that particular layer, I was/am there. Sweet friends, those 'Helpers.' I'm sure I don't have the level of detail she has, but I can now touch and be in that 'space' virtually at will. I also love that Suzanne doesn't direct these devatas [God's Helpers] because they already know what's needed. I met these little guys about two years ago, but didn't know how best to interact with them. Now I do. Do nothing and accomplish everything. Really love this sense of surrender to universal self. Very powerful and whole. I've been playing with this, actually noticing that I'm really never without this layer of self. Nice discovery. [As the Vedic saying goes] 'He who does not know the hymns of the Veda, what can the Vedas do for him?"
Jim Rocca

"My emotional life seems to be improving greatly. Major rearrangements are occurring. I seem to feel freer these days. I'm letting go of old issues that were problematic for me. I seem to be happier. Thanks to Suzanne for her great help with this."
Jean Tremblay

G. Straw
"Thank you for everything you do. I really appreciate it. Your talk about karma gives me a more delightful understanding of the phenomenon." 
G. Straw

Frank Jacobs
"It was so good! Thanks for taking care of us, and so delicately."
Frank Jacobs

"I felt love and encouragement from Suzanne. Afterwards, I felt empowered and more whole, as if I had embraced myself for the first time. I feel new freedom to honor myself. I feel brave enough to explore new possibilities in life." 
Judith Hans-Price

"Last week we had to put a beautiful cat, Pebbles, up for adoption. We couldn’t keep her, so it was agreed that we would place her in an animal adoption shelter. Later we found out that they sometimes will kill cats which they can’t place. I was worried and asked Suzanne to help. Within a couple of days after Suzanne was on the job, Pebbles was adopted! I appreciate all of the work Suzanne did and was thankful she was there to help." 
Sofia Waters

"Increased clarity helped me to identify and correct the physical basis of a longstanding sleep problem. I have been waking up early feeling properly rested after years of needing to sleep really late and not being able to do anything to change it. Clear insights led me to make another major change with far-reaching beneficial repercussions." 
Michael Koren

"Thank you for my son, Christopher. He is recovering from the physical fatigue and pain, and he appreciates the intense silence of his program during the two days under your care."
Marie-France Graude 

 "Seeing Suzanne was like a beautiful sunrise. I enjoyed her wonderful face, full of love. How can one avoid falling in love with her?" 
Eirik Vatvedt

"Our cat, Lucky, disappeared for two months. We are thrilled to report that he has come back! We feel confident that Suzanne's attention kept him safe and brought him home to us. I am going to continue my monthly Recurring Distance Healing Subscription because I have noticed an expansion of consciousness and all that goes with it."
Sharon Harris

 "Suzanne's paintings are medicine. They are masterful and magical." 
Anne Melfi

Donald Sosin Testimonial
"Thanks so much. It was a soothing experience. Very inspiring insights about my work came through. You are wonderful. Life is wonderful. All this is wonderful."  
Donald Sosin

"I am feeling more aware of my divine purpose. Life is really VERY good. Giving Suzanne lots of credit for that. Thanks for the transformations." 
June Oliver 

"Oh my God, Suzanne has opened up a new world for me. Veda on so many levels. Endless! My body life core, the jiva, the dweller within the body was connected to an individualized form of Veda, circling my body with a depth ranging from six to eight feet around, to 20-25 feet around, slowly moving in a clockwise direction. Within this localized field was the gentle steady drone of sound with multiple pitches, one within the other, rich with sensation touching me deeply. No gaps between the outer range and my inner soul. I was/am so full with Veda. The sound, visual and touch components moved in nice rhythmic waves, thrilling me to the core. Felt I could rest here forever."
Jim Rocca

"Thank you very much. You are such a brilliant light in this lifetime for me and all my friends and my family."
Lisette Gohier

Rochette Gilles
"I had an interesting experience. A friend called when one of my Distance Healings was being performed. He was experiencing intense stress and could hardly sleep because of a potentially terrible legal situation in which he could lose his professional license and livelihood. I told him about Suzanne, her Distance Healings and Karmic Transformations. The next day, he wrote me: 'The situation took an avenue I never thought it would take to solve itself. It looks like God intervened. Do you think your Distance Healings could have something to do with it?"'
Gilles Rochette

"My daughter had her baby at home and was in labor only five hours, quite short for the first child. Her husband, my wife, two midwives and a doula helped my daughter perfectly in kindness and lots of love. Later, they said that they'd never seen a family work so well together and with them. My daughter is doing so well with the baby. She's matured so much, and has become more thoughtful, patient and independent as Suzanne has been doing the Distance Healings. Thank you so much! Remarkable steps! She's having fewer big swings of high and low, and they're shorter. Lots of growth!" 
Don Harkey

"Here is more evidence of good fortune for my health that may have stemmed from your Distance Healings. After your healings, I was assigned to a new primary care doctor who came up with one simple solution for a host of issues."
Anne Melfi

"We asked Suzanne to help with a very severe issue that Stella experienced with her kidneys, and we believe that involving Suzanne helped her immensely with that battle. Also, recently, Stella needed emergency surgery to address an ischemic bowel. She was in intense pain, and it could have become life threatening if not fixed quickly. Stella had a very successful surgery. She is healing well in the days after, and we expect her great progress to continue. She was fortunate to have the help of Suzanne and her loved ones."
Vin & Stella C.

Shivala Morfoisse
"I am so grateful to have discovered Suzanne's Distance Healings.  They are so deep. They're good for the soul, the body and general bliss. They've really made a difference in our lives on both a physical and spiritual level. Thank you so much for your Distance Healings. They're so great that we want to continue every month!"
Shivala-Florence Morfoisse

"Right from the inception of Suzanne's attention on my life, I began to experience inner knowledge of the Self. I recognized my Self, and it flowed in silence and love, complete union, no separation anymore! I was One, and it was sacred! I experienced purification in my throat, and two monstrous tears rolled out on my cheeks in peace. From there on, I began to experience unconditional contentment, for no apparent reason. No more fear of any kind! Now I experience my Self in my life. Now, I enjoy my creativity as a flow of joy, in my kitchen, in art, gardening and aromas of plants on my balcony, etc. Thank you for having been the catalyst for experiencing these simple joys! What a contrast from the despair of today's unknown times. Now, I'm not compromising anymore with respect to healthy habits like yoga asanas and am absolutely regular. Now, my body expresses a profound mastery in its silence, flexibility and its direct relationship with Consciousness. To prove that I've been cured, I've been able to eat things I have not been able to eat in decades. It has been an amazing reconciliation with my childhood in the Alps, where I would eat the innumerable fruits of Mother Nature which Suzanne embodies so perfectly in the human realm!"
Marie France-Graude

"This morning I participated in the Free Global Group Healing session. Thank you. It was a tremendous, glorious experience!"
Laura Caudill

"My dog, Pearl, is home and doing much better. Again, thank you."
Liz Hummel

"You fill every cell in this body
With Your silky soft sweet eternal Presence.
Exquisite vibrations of Divine Love ripple through.
Bliss is Your essence which You bestow without reservation
Flowing freely and unconditionally like a fountain of Joy and Delight.
Closer than the beat of my heart
You pulsate through Being in Silent perfection.
Gratitude pours from every pore.
I am You! We are One. There is no separation."
Lee Nelson

"Driving 15 mph along a one-lane country road, I spied an orange cone to my right and edged a little to the left onto the rain-softened grass. Suddenly, my car was sliding slowly, inexorably down a steep cliff into a horse pasture. A case of jam sat on the seat beside me, and jars started flying around the car. Clearly, I was about to flip over, or at least get hit by a jar of jam. I screamed twice to mark the occasion. But the car stopped stock still at an 80-degree tilt. I pushed at the passenger door overhead and was able to climb out, completely unharmed. I found that a boulder had caught (and crushed) the driver-side back door (not the driver’s door!) and held the car firmly in place, so it would not roll over. Another boulder at the front wheel kept it from rolling forward. These rocks were like two hands of an angel—or were used by angels as hands. The neighbors gathering to survey the wreckage were amazed that I was alive, not to mention completely unharmed. I believe that it’s thanks to all of Suzanne’s Distance Healings that I’ve been gifting every month to friends and family, that I survived my car karma and rated a natural miracle."
Anne Melfi

"Do I have things right? Am I using my gift properly? Am I putting myself out enough, not hurting anyone? I was seeking external validation and answers to these questions instead of delving within and accessing deeper wisdom to see the answers coming from inside. I will never get tired of being grateful to Suzanne for all of her guidance, tips and directions she’s giving to enliven and help me reach this inner knowledge, healing and wisdom of my very own being."
Lina Leimonte

"I wanted to let you know about an experience I had with one of your paintings. Since about April, I have been struggling with sleep, and as a result, have been feeling quite out of alignment in mind, heart, body and spirit. I was recently able to again sign up for a Distance Healing Subscription and realized I’d never before looked into the offerings of the Inner Circle Multimedia Library. As I was perusing one of the videos, I saw the Sky Yogi painting and was immediately absorbed. As I looked deeper and deeper into the painting, I began feeling deep waves of heat coursing through my body. Tears started streaming down my face as a feeling of safety, expansion, love and connection washed over me. I felt a deep realignment happening and slept more deeply the next two nights than I have in a long time. Thank you for this beautiful, powerful, divine piece of work. I've ordered a print, and I can’t wait to experience it in person and continue to receive its benefits!"
Jenifer Fairchild

"Your art is beautiful, soothing, uplifting, offering the vision of the peaceful, calm, stable, natural artist heaven. I love seeing what you have created. Some of your paintings feel like the basis from where sweet books are written."
David West

"I just wanted to share that my liver enzymes are nearly normal as of yesterday. My GI specialist noted that the rate of my recovery is unusual. In his experience cases like mine take months to resolve. Oh, I'd like to add that my meditations are much clearer now than prior to this illness. When I sit for TM, my mind just clears. Please share my sincerest thanks with Suzanne!"
Michael Winiarz

"Suzanne gave me several Distance Healings for specified areas of physical discomfort and emotional depression. The immediate benefit was a very noticeable release of stress that left soft ease and comfort in the areas where anxiety and strong tension had been a constant visitor for months on and off before."
Jessica Lahr

" 'Very Interesting, very interesting,' Maharishi summed it up so well. What a fabulous talk. I feel lucky to know you and blessed that you live in this community."
Hamish Davidson

"I’ve had outstanding results with Suzanne’s healings, often very surprising! And her recordings are so inspiring!"
Marie Cooney

"My mental clarity and access to word retrieval improved markedly with our recent Distance Healing sessions. My husband, whose confusion and inability to access words is pronounced, definitely noticed improvements in his mental clarity, word retrieval and cognitive functioning. On the day he was being treated, he was able to coordinate the various physical, mental and neurological abilities needed to play a chord by himself on his new baritone ukelele for the first time—quite an accomplishment for someone with 20 years of Parkinson’s disease. Mind and body connection! Hurrah! Thank you, Suzanne!"
Kathy and Bob Butler

"Dear Suzanne, you are a blessing to this world, and I feel honored to have been able to see what is possible—miracles! I am beyond joyful and grateful that Lana is doing really well! She is eating her normal food again since two weeks and also regaining her active personality. She still needs some encouragement with eating, but I see her digestion is coming back online in a good way! It has been a bumpy road for both of us these past few months, after the passing of my beloved father, and I am so grateful to have been feeling the support and the bedrock of your healings. My two fur babies are so loved and very lucky that you have given your loving attention and healing to them. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Maaike Aarts

"Suzanne is a remarkable being, a great healer and spreader of love. Thanks for doing what you do, my whole family is the better for it!"
Donald Sosin

"I still have pain in the lower back between L2 L5 and S1, but it is a lot less, so this extra is really welcome. Suzanne's transmission acted on all of my body. I don't remember feeling so good. My mission on earth is not over now, so this healing will help me to get back on track. I have started to watch her Buddha at the Gas Pump interview, and I will continue with her other videos. Much love and thanks to Suzanne."
Mario A. Leblanc

"I feel like sharing with you my wonderful experience during the Global Group Healing this morning. As soon as the healing started, I felt a gentle, warm stream coming into my crown chakra. Then I had these thoughts, 'I am love, I am peace, I am joy, I am harmony.' As I let these words flow into my awareness, I saw a series of bright white lights united on a wire with a sense that all these radiant, magnificent lights were the souls of the people participating or receiving the healing you were assisting. They were spreading over the continents, and I felt a great sense of unity spreading light where needed. With all my gratitude, I thank you deeply for igniting this wonderful fire of love."
Johanne Robert

"I have found the healings to be illuminating, liberating, effortlessly blissful and exceptionally amazing for all levels of the self.  Thank you for being a conduit to unbounded creative intelligence. Love your art also!"
Patrick Tierney

"These healings are surely helping my mother. She feels much better, especially during the healing period!  Our Infinite gratitude to Suzanne!."
Anthony G. Graham

"Thank you for this wonderful gift. The effects were felt clearly. There was a great happiness in both our hearts following a few days of clear unstressing (some physical things on my part), which all just cleared out on the date of the healing, and we've been feeling very stable and relaxed since. It's been wonderful and very clearly experienced."
Jonathan K. Ramsey

"I just love your paintings. They speak and with so much love. The colors are beautiful. You are a gift."
Denise Pettit

"Before my complete hip replacement, I listened to your 'Healings to Help with Surgery and Drugs' audio, and I wanted to let you know how profound it was for me. It greatly uplifted the whole procedure. The surgeon was excellent and had a lot of brightness in him. The nurses and helpers were dear and very caring. I gave them each small felt hearts I had made, and it was wonderful to see their surprise and happiness at this tiny kindness. I was even able to do Transcendental Meditation while in the hospital recovering. That was a bonus. Thank you for your dear and precious words and healings for me."
Marise Pettit

"My son was originally scheduled to stay in the hospital for a week after his six-hour surgery but was released yesterday, after only three days. The surgical team remarked that he was recovering amazingly fast. On his release, his surgeon said that this is the fastest release he’s seen from that kind of surgery. My son said that after the operation, he didn’t watch TV or use his computer. Insteadhe focused silently on his body, learning how it works, feeling what needed to be healed and then working on that. He said he learned a lot about himself in the process. Thank you for your healing work. It’s a sweet blessing." 
Jack Redding

"Reading Suzanne's newsletter was thrilling and yet deeply settling and blissful. I have been curious for so long to know about her experiences of Veda and unity and Maharishi's comments about them. Thank you for this. I cannot wait for the continuation."
Jeffrey Whitney

"Suzanne, t hank you for the recent three Distance Healings. My knee now feels back to normal after about a week of pain and difficulty walking. Also, I am able to sleep better,  after some very difficult nights. My husband has just signed up for a package , and we wish to gift one to our daughters."
Judy Harpur

"Suzanne, thank you for your help over the years. Most recently, my friend was struggling with difficult life choices amplified by depression and an over-reliance on questionable online information. She was antagonizing people around her and feeling overwhelmed by work and school. This had been happening for months until I set up your monthly Distance Healings for her. Over the next four months, she became calmer, happier, and more focused, able to complete her work and make some positive progress in her life. You have wonderful gifts, and we all benefit from your sharing them." 
Lucy Carter

"I was in a state of emergency on Saturday evening. My white blood cell count was high, and the doctors couldn't seem to find the source of the infection. I felt much better on Sunday with your Distance Healing. My white blood cell count is normal today. I can’t express how grateful I am for your kindness. Thank you so very much!"
Sandra Griffin

"Thank you for all your love and appreciation. The last Distance Healing I had from you was in January, and I noticed the lightness in my heart straight away. Thank you for being."
Anna Assimaki

"I feel lighter after yesterday's Distance Healing. Thank you."
Marten Persson

"My update from my daughter-in-law is so encouraging. Her mother had been unable to get admitted to a hospital where she lives in China because of the rampant Covid outbreaks in the country. During your Urgent Distance Healing, my daughter-in-law's father not only found a room for her mother, but a private single room. This hospital has provided impressive medical attention, and her condition is improving. The doctor treating her there discovered a previously undetected bacteria in her system. It feels like a miracle that she is in such good hands. Thank you so very, very much. My daughter-in-law was feeling much better and brighter when I saw her last night, and the family is finally feeling optimistic about her mother's recovery."
Louise White

"I just arrived in Austin to visit with Michael, my son. He is doing better. He said he started feeling better three days ago, the day you started the healing. He is trying to figure out what brought about the change. I have no doubt it was your healing. The timing was no coincidence. In any case, thank you for your gift. It has worked wonders."
Joshua Matheson

"I bought 13 Distance Healing sessions for my son, who, after years of struggling with his mental health, recently discovered he has ADHD. A month ago, he fell apart, and after receiving , he has found the help he needs and is slowly but surely learning to manage himself. He is calmer and is for the first time talking about self-forgiveness, which is amazing. had seemed impossible a month ago, so I simply wanted to say thank you."
Zeena Shirra

"Dear beloved Suzanne, I had recently requested Distance Healings for my younger sister, as she was suffering from paranoia stemming from PTSD. On the last day of her healings, my father received an unexpected message from her in which she named all three of her siblings and remarked how beautiful we are. until that time, the messages she sent used to be belligerent. It was like a door had opened to her from the inside, and she was able to clear something out of her system. I just want to say that, despite my initial skepticism, my intuition was proven right about the healings you bestow. Thank you from the bottom of my heart with humble pranams and warm gratitude. I will soon be signing up the rest of my family as to enable them to bring their divine potential from behind the illusory veil."
Kay Joshi

"Yesterday's Group Healing was powerful. I experienced incredible expansion, stillness and cohesion. The rest of the day my intuitions were clear. I melted into trust, and absolute magic unfolded. It brought me into powerful situations, connecting me with the right people at the right time which both confirmed and revealed the next steps of my path. Complete and utter magic!!!!!"
Jenifer Fairchild

"We knew Suzanne's healing would do its magic to help us both through the building of our vastu home. The entire project was pleasant, especially during and after her healing sessions. Our infinite gratitude to Suzanne."
Art Gottlier

"Things are coming to me that I would like to have, or something I would like to do. I do it well without thinking about it, and then I feel good about myself."
Monica Hayden

"Seven weeks ago, I had a bike accident while going 40 mph and received a severe concussion. My helmet was ruined, and I have no memory of the accident, the ambulance ride or the hours spent in the emergency room. When you did the first Distance Healing for me, I felt a sense of effervescent joy in my head and heart that lasted a few hours. Aches diminished. Dullness was replaced with feeling lighter, clearer and more in the moment. My wife even noticed the change! After your third treatment, I was able to attend an outdoor jazz performance in the evening without experiencing brain fog or collapsing at 8 p.m. During and after my meditations, I have experienced more of the flow of being and the pleasure of silence than I have experienced in the last year. Your healing has had other positive effects. I have noticed a dissolution of deeper fatigue and emotional baggage that I had accumulated from a year-long legal battle and two surgeries. It is so wonderful to finally experience the easy flow of awareness again! Thank you for helping me get to this place!"
Jerry Carson

"Your healing began on the day of my husband's surgery. Terry had 'small cell' cancer at stage in his upper left lung. He had a lobectomy—the entire left lobe was removed. Surgeons expected that the surgery would take four to six hours, but it was completed in three-and-one-half hours. There was no cancer in the lymph nodes and no satellite cancer cells. It is a two-month recovery period, with increased walking every day to get to 60 minutes a day. As of today, he is at 50 minutes. It has just been one month, but his progress is amazing. He is 78 years old, but his oncologist said, physically, he is like 58. Even though I have not yet told him about your healings, he has transformed physically, mentally and spiritually. I am so grateful for your support and gift of healing. You are truly a blessing from God."
Tina Carter 

"When I was feeling overwhelmed and faced with making important decisions with incomplete information, Suzanne helped me to calm down, focus and move ahead. She is a valuable resource, and I would trust her to help me again, whenever needed. She has a light touch with powerful results."
Lynn Owens

"Thank you for helping Peter these last couple of months. We just returned from a visit with him, and he is doing very well. He is out of pain and well mended and is his usual sunny self. I appreciate you helping him over that rough period!"
June Oliver

"Your recording was relaxing and balancing. I got insights that were very valuable. It touched me so deeply that tears came to my eyes."
Frank Boggess

"The experience with the Distance Healing and the Group Healing was very much the same. I felt Ms. Stryker’s presence within me. It was a soft and gentle presence, but it gave me a good feeling and uplifted my mood. It made my mind lighter and more content, which seems to continue after the sessions. I also had some notions of the presence of divine light. So, no doubt, this procedure really seems to work. Overall, a very nice experience, so thanks a lot for this gift."
Ketil Helmersberg

"So inspiring. I enjoyed my personal session with Suzanne some time ago and felt great benefits. Thank you!"
Suzanne Gorley

"Suzanne, after you gave two Distance Healings to my brother and his family, he called me with this interesting news: His son Anthony was driving home on Saturday night in snowy Upstate New York, when a deer darted into the road. He swerved to the opposite lane to avoid and swerved back into his own lane but overcorrected. The car tipped onto its side and slid into the snowbank, with his basket of buffalo wings flying everywhere. Then the car righted itself, sitting up on its wheels again. The car was totaled. Anthony was just fine. Thanks, as always, for enlivening the laws of nature for their well-being."
Anne Melfi

"Yesterday, presumably after my healings had started, my meditation was so noticeably different than it has been for months. It was deep and smooth, a clear contrast to the heavy unstressing that each meditation has brought for months.  The difference was immediate and clear and, for a few seconds, the bliss was almost too heavy to take! It was not a new experience, as such, but one that I had not had in maybe three months, and then suddenly, whoosh..."
Jahan Dost

"I started listening to the Inner Circle Library recordings yesterday and found them uplifting. I always love Suzanne’s voice—so calm, kind and nourishing."

Maaike Aarts

"Thank you, Suzanne, for your healings for the past few years. I feel that my health is better than it was when I was much younger! I asked you to transfer my healings to my brother, Bill, who had lost his son to Parkinson's disease. It's been a month, and I feel like it helped him. I would like for you to use my healings for him for the rest of the year. Thank you for all you are doing to lessen suffering for so many people!"
Martha Craig

"I have noticed some easing of my life since I signed up for your monthly healings, a subtle sense of greater flow or ease where before the feeling was sort of blocked, without much hope, stuck in the mud. I have made progress on outer levels too, like less compulsive eating. I have noticed more information coming my way about nutrition and have listened to it and then acted on it. I have been losing some weight and looking a little healthier. I continue to desire to eat sugar and carbs, but am trying to take things one day at a time and be conscious and intentional."
Gregg Taylor

"After this week of three Distance Healings, something woke up in me. My skin feels new, and I experience a clarity of mind I haven't had since I was in my teens. I see as if stretched out in full view, an overview of my being and my place on earth. With this widened point of view, I can see and feel the clear path I have always had. I feel my whole self, undistracted by decades of only partial views, which hid me from myself. My eyes were dimmed, distracted by daily life. Now, it is like the windows of perception have been scrubbed clean. I feel refreshed, new and ready for what the day will bring. Thank you, dear Suzanne."
Judith Hans-Price

"I am grateful to Suzanne for all her help. I realize it was a tall order to give my sister a smooth transition to the afterlife. Thank you."
Wayne Webster

"If the rest of the world feels like I do after the latest Global Group Healing Session, it was a success! This last experiment did indeed leave me with a good feeling, and I look forward to your next consciousness get-together."
Michael Brown

"I felt a sense of being wrapped in a warm blanket with Suzanne’s Distance Healings." 
Richard Lance

"My close relative who has received Distance Healings from you has been sober for some months. This is wonderful because for many years there has not been sustained sobriety for that long."
Bruce Hornsby

"Thank you from my heart to yours for your Inner Circle Recording that explained how to do the Ujjayi breathing practice! You may enjoy hearing that this practice is catching on in our western world. My neurologist incorporates that breathing exercise and yoga into her protocol to help her patients heal their migraines. I have dealt with daily headaches and migraines for decades and am reaping the benefits of the breathing practice. Everything you talk about, my neurologist does too. This is so good for all of us in this life! I am so heartened when MDs incorporate the wisdom of the ages (and what may be thought of as Eastern medicine) to help their patients. And your work is invaluable to all of us. Those who work quietly without wanting center stage hold a special place in my heart. Thank you again."
Joanne Bennett

"You are a truly talented person on all levels who has the capacity to make major differences in so many people's lives. You are awesome!"
Deb Rosian

Thank you for doing these Group Healings. They are super powerful. Super deep. They are huge for lifting world consciousness."
Jim Rocca

"I was grateful to find Suzanne so understanding and supportive. It gave me a stronger sense of self-referral, understanding that whatever the outcome, there was no sense trying to force myself to do anything. The result was that I not only felt much less stressed, but also have had more self-confidence. I felt an unusual upsurge of energy and happiness and have been productively busy ever since. I have even started working on my book again, only this time I seem to have an understanding that if I just keep going, I will be able to go back later and see how to improve it. This understanding is invaluable. I am going to sign up for more Distance Healings."
Glenda Pliler

"My daughter is better. I think your Distance Healings have helped a lot."
Jerome Patterson

"Since my husband and I have been receiving Recurring Distance Healings, I’ve noticed that subtle perception has become more pronounced. Recently, I had the experience of a blue crystal gem being placed in my head. This evening during Program the gem, and consequently my physiology, began radiating beautiful blue healing and love energy. Your wonderful recording [from the Distance Healing Library] helped me to understand and enjoy this experience. Thank you so very, very much for your loving and generous divine attention to all of us. It is deeply and gratefully appreciated."
Lisa Faber

"For quite some time, I had been feeling stuck, and my blood pressure had been high. After Suzanne's webinar, I felt lighter, like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I had a delightfully productive day and a lovely sense that all was moving forward perfectly. It's the day after the webinar, and I'm so happy to report that my blood pressure is significantly lower, and I continue to feel freer."
Olivia Williams

"On May 2nd, the day that I asked for the urgent healing, at one point I felt your presence, and I heard myself saying 'Suzanne' and in my inner being there was this posture of honoring and gratefulness to you. I distinctly felt a shift coming in, and a relief. Also, I noticed intuitions of what I could do myself to support my body and mind. I am deeply moved by the compassion and love I feel, and the light and hope to persevere again. Thank you from my heart and soul for the healing. It means more than words can say."
Maaike Aarts

"I am very touched by such beautiful words coming from Suzanne's divinely pure heart filled with splendor, love and light. Thank you for being a shining radiance in our community, blessing us all. I think of Suzanne with awe."
Irmhild Bettenworth

"About four months ago, my life was riddled with fear, worry, confusion and imminent danger. After doing Distance Healings each month, now almost everything has been transformed into positive, life supporting events. A very complete transformation! At perhaps the darkest moment, a Phone Session with Suzanne extraordinarily lifted my spirits, as if she spoke from pure knowledge, Vedax and the Vedic laws of nature. As dark as it was, a ray of light pierced into that darkness, like the first and brightest ray of morning sunlight. That was the turning point from which everything was transformed into a beautiful and fulfilling life. Now, I am at a maximum vantage point to really give and help others on a very deep level of awakening consciousness, supported with material resources to further raise consciousness to 200% of life. I am so deeply grateful. Thank you again and again and again. What a miracle God has created in divine love!"
Rick Wade

"My Distance Healings were on June 12, 13, 14, and my biopsy took place on the 13th. When I was waiting in the doctor's office right before the biopsy, I felt an infusion of peacefulness flow throughout my whole body. It was incredible. I just received my results tonight,  and all is well. My gratitude and love to Suzanne for her gift of being a catalyst of Divine Healing."
Therese River

"Wow! My dizziness stopped and did not come back! And I had a deep, restful sleep with no pain. I am impressed with Suzanne’s wisdom and clarity."
Horst Brosowski

"Please thank Ms. Stryker for being an instrument of Divine Healing. As a result of the Distance Healings, my lymphoma/Lyme disease symptoms are almost completely resolved."
John McLarty

"I notice more loving thoughts, feelings and behavior coming out of me day by day. Love is extending."
Mahesh Subrahmanyam

"I really enjoyed the call. It was very powerful and yielded very real results! Suzanne is doing really wonderful work, and I'm so happy that she is sharing her sublime talents with the world. Thanks so much!"
Deboragh Varnel

"The energetic congestion I was experiencing in my third and fourth chakras dissolved and moved back into a dynamic state, which helped open a deeper level of understanding and compassion. It felt like the spin in these two chakras went from kind of clunky and sluggish to smooth and effortless. I look forward to the next call."
Jenny Hwozdek

"I have more peace and ease on an ongoing basis. Suzanne has such purity and a naturally high vibration that brings an initiation of blessings. I am more able to be in a mode of self-care and am able to choose better for well-being. This has been blocked for a long time, but I hope to become very good at this."
Doreen Reid

"The group healing session was beyond phenomenal, uplifting my heart to great, great levels of joy and radiant love that carried throughout my day. Immediately after the session and well throughout the afternoon, I felt nearly overwhelmed with such abundant bubbling bliss. I felt stronger and lighter, as if I could just hop into the sky!" 
Garrett Barnes

"I felt happiness with the suggestions Suzanne made."
Stephan Black

"This morning’s group healing was, in a word, wow! It's amazing how powerful these babies are. The preceding group spiritual practice section filled me with the brilliant light of Brahman. I even fell asleep several times but never lost that beautiful state of awareness. In a , this awareness felt even better in sleep because there were no other distractions, simply pure brilliance. When the healing started, I noticed a change in the vibe. Sure enough, about half a minute later, I could feel my body being vibed up in a distinct switch from pure spirit energy to physical body energy. It felt like every cell in my body was experiencing a higher vibrational frequency. I can see now how it’s possible to experience great spirit energy and still have a weak or even a sick body, interesting dynamic. Thank you for what you bring to the table."
Jack Redding

"Thank you so much for the work Suzanne has been doing. So grateful for her work and kindness and love. We’re so lucky to have her in this world!"
John Levitt

"I do generally feel better, and I believe that the Distance Healings play a large part in this, though it's such a subtle thing that it's easy to dismiss it as a coincidence. What's not such a subtle thing is my relationship to God in manifest form has very much become lively. And there is more knowingness about important things, when I put my attention on them." 
Louis Northcutt

"Wow. This is the most powerful, beautiful healing recording you have ever created. It hit me super deep. Now, hours later, its effects are still firmly with me. My heart opened up like a huge portal, extending past the limits of my body, initially receiving love, and then dramatically giving love to everyone, not just to the Earth or every soul on earth, but beyond, into the universe. When you said to give love to others, even those you may not agree with, love flowed instantly into the light of everyone. Others, in my mind's eye, were individuals second but pure light first. There were no individuals; it was all light with no separation from my light. The feeling was/is internal contentment, which opened the door to subtle layers of bliss, one more full than the next. After the recording, I stayed with the experience for maybe 15 minutes. Then I took a nap for about two hours. The experience never left. Even in sleep, it was there and still is there now. Thank you for what you do. My gratitude is beyond words, truly heartfelt."
Jim Rocca

"I am so grateful and feel so blessed to have been present for the webinar last Saturday. It was the finest and highest of gifts. Thank you so much. I had very clear lifting of pain, that was quite strong before the healing. I also experienced peacefulness, that was very light and deep throughout the webinar. The topics that Suzanne mentioned were very valuable to me in a personal way. Some have been a 'theme' in my life for some time. Immediately following the broadcast, there were very clear verbal statements advising me about a dilemma, that had been causing much pressure for a long time."
Jessica Roth

"The various things Suzanne said were so perfect. I experienced 'I AM Universal Mind.' Then a torrent of knowledge downloaded into my awareness. It was spectacular. Also, a troublesome negative energy disappeared from my body. Whew, what a difference! Thank you for this Distance Healing and transformative work. Suzanne's work absolutely assists people in stepping out of the Matrix."
Zhantar Bews Marlen

"Right on target!"
Christopher Florence

"You have been doing Distance Healings for my family, and so I thought you would like to hear that my sister Betty has had a breakthrough in body and mind. She feels much more energetic after decades of struggling with Lyme disease, and I notice her mind is much clearer, more upbeat and reflects more positivity. She was very much debilitated by the condition for so long so that this is really wonderfully surprising news. She also wanted me to know that she has started meditating regularly again."

Anne Melfi

"Thank you so much for helping me get through my scary situation. I even got the perfect parking place. I appreciate all your help."
June Oliver

"I feel much better physically than I have for a while, and also clear in every way about what was going on with me and what to do with it. A million thanks for helping move me into this new place."
Leo Schulz

"I found the free global peace healing session surprisingly powerful experientially, and later that day found that it had also helped a personal physical problem I had been fretting over for months."
Carrol Hillis

"Seven months ago, I got hit by a tidal wave of karma. It completely knocked me out, clogging my entire system and causing all energy to stop flowing. I lost any sense of connection to myself, my source. The result of this was that I felt trapped in my mind in fear and negativity, and things got very dark very quickly. When I was able to overcome enough of the fear in my head to get myself support from Suzanne, things changed rapidly within the first three healings, and within a week, everything became rightsized again. I remembered what joy felt like, I could relax, and eventually all inner clogging dissipated.

"Some experiences were more vivid than others. For example, one evening after listening to one of Suzanne's recordings, I felt a sudden sharp pain and release in my lower abdomen, like a balloon being popped, which revealed so much space and calm in my body. It felt like I’d lost 10 pounds in an instant! I am eternally grateful to Suzanne for saving my life and for continually helping me get into my heart and out of my head."
Jenifer Fairchild

"Very powerful!"
Allen Webster

"My heart feels lighter."
Betty McKinney

"It was everything I needed! I went from feeling 100% great to 1000% great!"
Jonathan Rivera

"I feel more at peace. Suzanne's suggestions totally resonated with truth."
Claude Fergeson

"We really appreciate everything you are doing to create light and health in the world." 
Rick Snyder

"Bingo! How did you know precisely what I needed?"
Kelly Wynn

"The day after my session, I was able to step back and see my behavior pattern in a sticky situation, separate myself from it and see what needed to be done to remedy it. I felt whole, took responsibility for myself and the air opened up.This was a victory for me in a way I can’t describe, but I feel as though I own more of myself than I did before my session with Suzanne."
Margaret Grimes

"I want to thank you from my heart and soul for the Distance Healings and the Phone Sessions. Your healings have been very important for me. I have felt real reassurance, and Suzanne has helped me to direct my being towards opening for healing. New things are arising, and I feel my life is going to change for the better. These last seven years, I really went through hell. I am climbing out, and Suzanne gave me the first key for this opening. Dear Suzanne, I thank you for your heart, your compassion and your healings, and I wish you all the best."
Maaike Aarts

"Can't stop thinking about what Suzanne said and how good she made me feel. I think she's doing a great thing!"
Ned Hargrove

"I had very large and painful swellings in my collarbone area on the left side, which are diminishing in size. There is a bit of back and forth at times but such a clear improvement in so many ways that has come in a gentle way from purity and love. I hope for continuing lightness and true expression of my Self and life. To remember Suzanne is, in itself, very healing."
Rachel Baron

"Dear Suzanne, when I think of all the blessings in my life, I give you credit for being a catalyst. I am very grateful to you for all you do on my behalf and for everyone else. It means so much to me to know that I have your support. I have been enjoying your Inner Circle Recordings and find your thoughts inspiring and practical. Your voice itself is a rasayana."
June Oliver

"Thanks, I really enjoyed it! Suzanne's insights were very accurate. I felt wonderful waves of peace and contentment wash over me. I also felt some of the heavy karma enveloping me being released, leaving me with a much lighter feeling in my body and spirit. I know now what a wonderful gift Suzanne has, having experienced it first-hand!"
Deboragh Varnel

"The suggestions were very practical and easy to apply. I really enjoyed the session and felt it helpful in a big picture way."
Sonya Williams

"Suzanne, thank you for sending this newsletter. What a beautiful experience. It's amazing what those lovely little devas can do when asked. I love everything about this story. I needed this because there is so much ugliness out there right now. Again, a deep heartfelt thank you. What you do is beyond words. I am a big fan."
Jim Rocca

"During and after my personal session, I experienced expansion in layers, settling down in different parts of the brain, less scattered. I felt peacefulness, power in silence, fullness, wholeness. I felt the presence and support of more 'company' (laws of nature/celestial beings) nearby."
Mark Farrington

"I felt more calm and collected. I felt more quietness and inner light, more sattva. I felt connected with myself and grounded in my truth and strength. It feels blissful to be around Suzanne, like doing extra meditations or attending a yagya (sacred ceremony for evolution)."
Ranjini Sarah Lassnig

"The job I landed after your healings is very suitable for me. The way I see it is that Veda has infinite computing power. So, if you are able to stimulate that for a person, the cosmic computer can work for them. In my case, my particular skills, personality and ability were fed into the cosmic computer for a job, and it worked out the best possibility for me, even in terms of proximity to home. The cosmic computer can work all of this out in a second, but if you don't have access to it, you don't get results. Thanks for the access."
Hamish Davidson

 "I came to Suzanne at a time when I was feeling really low. When the session was done, I felt on top of the world, like a big weight was lifted. I gained clarity in an area where I had been stuck. Since then, everyone says how big a smile I have on my face and how delightful I feel. Suzanne made me feel very comfortable and at ease."
Betty Wagner

"I feel much love and gratitude for Suzanne's Vedic presence in our lives. She is a great gift."
Becky Jacobs

"I felt much appreciation and affirmation from Suzanne. She offered clarity around my health and emotional blocks. Real proactive advice and very sweet!"
Ginny Banks

"After I listened to your recording the second time, I can't stop smiling, and my heart keeps bursting into waves of happiness. With the passing of my mother, I went through all kinds of emotions. I feel I have learned a lot about life. Thank you for sharing your experience during the healing process. I am nourished and in peace."
Lisette Gohier

"I experienced true happiness for the first time in my life and it's still continuing several weeks later. I feel trust, safety, and I feel at home. Whatever happens is okay."
Elizabeth McIsaac

"I really enjoyed the message on intention and the power of thought. It returned me to a time when I was prepared to be magic, and took my words, thoughts, and intentions quite seriously." 
Vanessa Holder

"I feel more peaceful and grounded. Thank you!"
Karen A. Bauer

"Suzanne's insights were very accurate."
Karen Hall

"I see all as contained within my Self and in this Global Group Healing I was seeing the world from space and watching the healing light up the whole planet."
Michael Speight

"Suzanne, I listened to one of your Inner Circle Recordings before bed and slept better than I have in a long time. I drifted off before it ended and woke up feeling clear, and my heart felt soothed. I am planning to listen to it a lot. Deep appreciation with love."
Rita Rencis

"In these challenging times, I'm feeling like I've been just holding onto a surfboard while strong winds and rough water make me fall off, but I just keep holding on. But then there are moments of peace. I want to convey my gratitude for the extended Urgent Distance Healings you did for me a couple of weeks ago. It was a balm for my soul, body and heart and gave me the strength to keep the faith and persevere thank you from the bottom of my heart."
Maaike Aarts

"This is so beautiful. You are doing so much for the world, and it is much needed, just what the doctor ordered. Blessings to you for organizing this beautiful event. I felt an energy bump from maybe 6 a.m. and then consciousness continued to elevate during meditation. During the Group Healing, I was in deep, and a rush of crystalline energy rushed straight up all the way through me. I have had that column of light experience many, many times before, but the diameter of this column of light was several feet wide, way beyond my body. And it rushed up and through at a super-high rate of speed. However, simultaneously there was a great stillness within it all. Logically, it does not make sense, but experience-wise it was perfect: infinite dynamism within absolute stillness simultaneously. In consciousness, on the soul level, I brought others into this energy, to help purify their energy. That added to my experience. I hope those folks got something out of it. :). I felt/knew deep love throughout."
Jim Rocca

"I am truly grateful for this healing by Ms. Stryker. I find it very generous of her, and it might have been something I really needed at this point in my life. I experienced a mental upliftment that I still feel is there, and that's really great. I will definitely recommend healing sessions with Ms. Stryker to other people."
Ketil Helmersberg

"Really enjoyed the last three Distance Healings. All my life, I have had issues that come and go with my lower back and left hip area. Three years ago, I had a very bad attack that caused ongoing pain, cramping and weakness, so I used Suzanne's Distance Healings several times to mitigate the problems. This last package of three Distance Healings really helped once again. The first day, I immediately felt waves of fluid comfort as the muscles and roughness began to melt with warmth, spreading throughout the lower back, hip and leg areas. Cramping was pretty much gone, and, for the majority of the three days, this wonderful feeling mostly stayed. Sleeping was much smoother, with none of the interruptions that usually require me to get out of bed during the night to stretch. Also, this package of healings with Suzanne brought some strong witnessing periods that were very uplifting in daily activity, as well as during my TM Program practice. We are so fortunate to have this opportunity to link with Suzanne and benefit from these growth and healing periods. Thank you for providing our out-of-balance world and its karmic misery with very important resolution and comfort."
Jessica Lahr

"I had not remembered that February 10 was the day of my Distance Healing when I woke up feeling that I had some knots of karma that seemed insurmountable. My assessment of the state of the world and my life was colored through that dark lens, even though I was acutely aware that what you think tends to manifest; as you think, so you are, and what you see, you become. Still, I was in the grip of that unfavorable perspective. Then, in the afternoon, all at once my whole outlook shifted, and so did my way of being. As I drifted off to sleep that night, it struck me as actually rather wondrous that I had turned on a dime for no apparent reason. Suddenly, I saw that to be love and give love was all that counted, and my world seemed to change with that. What happened? The next day, I looked at my calendar and saw that I had a Distance Healing scheduled for the 10th. This can be no coincidence. Thanks, Suzanne."
Anne Melfi

"Suzanne’s talent is reliably predictable. Something good will always happen. We arranged for her attention on my husband's health for several healing sessions. Later, his doctor reported that his blood clot is gone."
Judith Hans-Price

"I tend to experience my karmic returns quite viscerally. They can be quite jarring, disorienting and uncomfortable. Alternatively, when I began listening to the recordings in Suzanne's Inner Circle Multimedia Library, I experienced their effects—the clearing, healing and untying of knots—just as viscerally, which has been a true gift. Because of the way Suzanne frames healings, I’ve watched my entire perspective become lighter and brighter and find myself focusing on ideal outcomes and wishing myself better throughout my days. It is a most pleasurable way to be, and I am deeply grateful for her offerings. Thank you, Suzanne!"
Jenifer Fairchild

"Suzanne, your healings are helpful for my success and ventures. Thank you!"
Patrick Tierney

"Thank you, Suzanne, for your natural, grounded wisdom. Much gratitude to you for your gift of healing others."
Kay Huckabee

"Please convey our infinite gratitude and thanks to Suzanne. My mother had mentioned she was feeling much better during the week when her November Distance Healings occurred. She had not even known that the healing sessions were going on. With nature support, I look forward to booking more Distance Healings going forward."
Lance River

 "I spoke with my son today, and he says he has not needed any pain medication for the last couple of weeks and is sleeping through the night. He is very far down the road to full recovery. Thank you always for your wonderful healing attention. I am grateful to you and to Maharishi for encouraging you to share your gifts."
June Oliver

"I am repeatedly surprised: Shortly after I have noticed some incremental advancement in my work, I have gotten a notice that I just have had a Distance Healing. It's getting too regular to attribute to coincidence! Thank you, Suzanne, for your Distance Healings and newsletters."
Victor Stevenson

"What a beautiful newsletter. Thank you for this. So much in it. We are so very blessed."
Jack Redding

"Thank you for all your wonderful guidance, blessings, healing sessions, and wishes for me last year. It made my life so wonderful. Continue to guide and bless me and my family in the new year as well!"
Vijay Gurusamy

"My awareness got so enlivened and expanded by reading and metabolizing your recent newsletter. It was amazingly uplifting. Your stock went up, even though I thought that was impossible! Thank you so much, Suzanne, for becoming so unboundedly beautiful and sharing."
Pat Hardigree

"You did some Distance Healings for my sister, who has suffered long-term mental illness. She is being treated with prescription drugs and lives with one of her daughters. For many years, her other daughter has chosen not to speak with her mom, mainlyof how her mother's illness affected their household while they were growing up. Just recently, she chose to fly to Des Moines to be with her sister and, at the same time, interact with her mom, who lives in the same house. That is a positive shift in relations. There must be a connection here with the Distance Healings going on."
Frank Boggess

"Please convey our infinite gratitude and thanks to Suzanne. In fact, I was recalling a discussion with my mother, when, on the week of that November healing, she had mentioned she was feeling much better that week (without the knowledge that the healing sessions were on).  With nature support, I Iook forward to booking more going forwards."
Peter Bell

"I just had a sort of intuitive experience of looking back on life and some recent events and seeing that some huge, insurmountable challenges created some horrible situations and how, strangely, these ultimately led to the outcomes that were desired, even though that is such a contradiction. One of the events that happened in this chain of events was receiving Suzanne's healings. It was very clearly felt that some change had happened with these healings, but, at the same time, it seemed that this change was in a direction that was not intended and not useful. Of course, knowing the evolutionary nature of life and how a process such as Suzanne's healings and inner yagya-ic mechanics work, I was patient and going along with the possibilities that were coming up. Now, a year later, it's staggering to see that the desired effects was absolutely created in time but in completely different ways that would ever be possible. On the surface level, it is as impossible as flying to the Denver Airport and walking out to see Paris, but it is exactly what has happened, and it is such a beautiful thing. I wanted to send my deep, deep gratitude for this, and I'm so glad that Suzanne became a catalyst, as Maharishi called her, and so thankful for all she does for so many people and our world."
Jonathan K. Ramsey

"Suzanne is the only one who has provided real help for my chronic fatigue issue over the past two years."
J. Lee

"I am very, very grateful for the healings Suzanne is offering. Please thank her from my heart and soul and tell her that I (and my whole body) receive her healings as very beneficial. It really is my life-line to feel this kind of support and to know my true Being. Also, I am enjoying listening to the recordings in Suzanne’s library."
Maaike Aarts

"It was a joy to talk to Suzanne. I felt a profound stillness inside as during the deepest parts of my meditation program. Very beautiful. I am very grateful."
K. McGregor

"Suzanne's attention went deep into my soul and soothed my heart and mind. Her insights stunned me and yet give me hope that someone understands."
A. Durabel

"Very suddenly, my family's legal problem was solved and harmony restored. The squabble over my trust money is over. This should have been impossible, as all forces were combined to overthrow me on this trust issue. Suzanne has brought peace. It was totally unexpected and like magic. Thank you." 
H. Epkat

"My previous healings have been so supportive. I feel the energetic inflow, and I so appreciate you, Suzanne. Thank you in advance for these next ones." 
Suzanne H.

"My neck ache, headache and deep fatigue that I had for days went away and was replaced with energy and happiness." 
Barbara T.

"I’ve had burning and discomfort in my side for a few months and this has caused me concern. Since several weeks ago when Suzanne put her attention on it for a few minutes, it has diminished by 90%!" 
Sheila A.

"I loved the session Suzanne gave me and I appreciate her inquiry which led me to deeper insights within my own healing."
Laura S.

"On Thursday, I had a warm tingly feeling in the crown of my head that lasted a few minutes—no white light or fireworks, but very pleasant and encouraging. Today, Sunday, I have this sense that I may have slipped into an awakened state. Nothing much happens, but I just feel really simple and peaceful, and when I close my eyes, I experience bliss. This world is endlessly fascinating. How do I know if it is true? Wait and see? Lots of gratitude."
Robert G.

"My friend has just radically healed from stage IV breast cancer. The doctors can’t believe it!!! Please thank Suzanne for any role her healing may have played."

"Thank you so much for the Distance Healings. I had the sense that something good and delightful was happening. Thank you also for the recording and for including me in the bonus Group Healing. I very much look forward to it."

"Suzanne, I have a history of ventricular tachycardia and atrial fibrillation with premature ventricular contractions. My health had been borderline for years, entailing multiple emergency room visits, heart surgery and more brushes with death than I care to think about. By God's grace manifesting through you, I am happy to report that my latest full round of medical tests, including my heart exams, has shown that,  although I still have two  heart conditions, I am in remarkable health for the first time in a long time. Also, I am grateful because my health  has allowed me to continue our task of healing the world and raising consciousness. My heartfelt thanks for the healing of so much for so long."

"My friend Nancy was scheduled for a biopsy, so without telling her, I requested a package of three  Her biopsy came back clear. I had wonderful results as well on the morning of your Distance Healing for me on May 11. I physically felt movement in my body while sitting at my desk . It caught me by surprise; it was a strange feeling, yet amazing and wonderful. I immediately knew that it was from you. I am so very grateful for you and your gift of being a catalyst for healing."

"When I participated in the Group Healing on Sunday, I closed my eyes and within that darkness, I noticed a circle of very beautiful saturated purple light. Within that light, an eye appeared and opened. This is the second time that this pretty saturated purple light has appeared during my daily practices. Thank you, Suzanne for your valuable time and precious help."

"I loved our Distance Healing session and have felt more at peace. I appreciate Suzanne's love and attention. I look forward to talking to her again."

"This morning, my program brought me to a point I didn't know about or had forgotten. I felt older, in the last stage of my earthly life. There was no more responsibility to take, no more goal to achieve. Everything was simple. Life is simple. The only goal is to live, to enjoy life. The feelings are those of appreciation and gratitude. The heart is in a morning sweetness. The body is light. Purpose is everywhere, in every experience, no matter how simple: watching the light of a sunbeam land on a tree leaf, seeing the glistening of the morning dew, breathing in the fresh air, breathing in life. It's like the movie Soul, where we discover that the purpose of this earthly life is to experience our body, our mind, our emotions and our Being. I thought that 15 minutes had passed, and looking at the watch it was already 45 minutes of yogic flying.

"This morning, I accessed the wisdom that I am supposed to have at the end of the journey. Time is an illusion. The illusion of time is a veil that can be removed. It then lets eternal wisdom appear. It is my friend Suzanne who spoke to me about this and showed me the way. A smile and a flower for her."

"I did want to say thank you to Suzanne! When she was doing the healings, I felt very light and open. The studying that night felt effortless. It has been a long time since I have been able to retain information that easily. I finished and passed my test that same week and was planning on sending more thanks after beginning a new subject of study. I am looking forward to being able to study like that again. It will save a lot of time."

"My heart is overflowing from your kindness and insight! Remember when you did a healing for our caregiver who was on a ventilator and near death? You told me that you saw bright light in her future and that she would be fine. She now is married to a fine man she met in church, and they are in Texas with husky, healthy son!! She is fulfilled as a wife and mother!! Your inner sight and your willingness to share your abilities is such an immeasurable gift to Bob and me and to the whole world!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

"Suzanne was Sublime! It was like taking a higher vibration bath of boundless bliss. All that remained was the hum of the absolute. I released some significant karmic puzzle blocks that I'd been trying to solve for ages. Other than that, can I have some more?" 

"Listening, talking to and watching Suzanne is a bullet train into an experience of pure knowledge with my entire being, where each and every cell awakens into this. Feeling blessed meeting her. Thank you, Suzanne. Much love."

"Peace inside. Guidance. Hope and belief that I can accomplish what I need for myself and others. More universal love. Freedom. I felt a great sense that I was understood without having to tell everything I am experiencing. I felt okay not to be perfect in my own eyes. Suzanne has so much love flowing from her. I want my own ability to love that way to grow. I feel less pain. I am no longer worried about my physical condition."

"Always good to hear from you folks. Divine, positive energy in my inbox!"

"My brother is sooo much better. Hard to believe he was at such a low four weeks ago. Every wish I articulated for him came true. Thank you, Suzanne!"

"Suzanne confirmed exactly what I needed to hear."

"After I heard about Suzanne from a friend of mine in South Carolina, I had Distance Healings done for my husband. The surgeon called me halfway through the surgery to tell me that they removed the nodules, but three pathologists determined that there was no cancer. They would not remove part of his lung as planned! I immediately agreed. The follow-up CT scan 6 months later showed that he is still clear! I never informed my husband that I had the healings done for him. I send my gratitude to Suzanne."

"I just want to share that, right after my recent Distance Healing, I told you I had experienced a small improvement in my overeating. That improvement has continued to bear fruit. To my surprise, it is now a big improvement. Thanks!"
Cheri Waters

"My first Distance Healing of three sessions with Suzanne were very compelling, and I have already scheduled more. The first session brought a spreading, very pleasant softness that radiated all that day through my body, especially easing and mostly erasing the long-term pain and stiffness that cause many sleep disruptions and physical difficulties I’ve had with walking quickly for a mile, golfing and the usual daily physical activities of a 75-year-old female. After the second day’s session, I was pretty much blown away with almost an entire day of bliss that radiated throughout my entire body/ mind/psychology. I was floating most of the day in a bubble of physical pleasure with no physical pain, with fluid movements, and I noted that this was all without any of my usual daily yoga, oil massages, bike, etc. This was almost unheard of for me except for long rounding retreat courses, where this state might arise from time to time—heavenly and desirable. The third day’s session found my body grinding away and rough in all the spots I normally feel the pain and stiffness. Ok! This was definitely like the 'unstressing' phase of TM rounding courses where the body is releasing the negative karma. This made sense to me."
J. L.

"Many thanks for inviting me to last month's Gobal Group Healing session. The experience surpassed my expectations. I was moved to tears by its profundity."
K. S.

"Ann's surgery was a success. The little tumor was removed easily, and she received a one-time chemo treatment. The doctor will see her in three months and will continue seeing her for a five-year period. We now have some peace of mind. Thank you for your attention and we will keep the Recurring Distance Healings for a while."  
L. G.

"A couple of days ago, I needed to start my morning by snaking my toilet. I was successful. It didn't take too long, and clean-up was simple. I walked out of the bathroom feeling invincible! Then I realized that I was truly feeling invincibility, viscerally, in my body, and that I can call it up again when I need it, for difficult things that are in my life now. It was a wonderful thing, a powerful thing, unshakable, coming up from within. Then I saw it as a gift, answering just the need I have been trying to solve. And I enjoyed the sense of humor in how this message was delivered, how deeply I learned from this exact delivery, and how it will stay with me; I'll never lose this. Suzanne has said to be open to help coming from any direction, in any form, and here it is exactly."
A. C.

"I am filled with gratitude for our healing time together earlier today. Thank you for the lovely insights and suggestions. They are both so practical and profound. And I also appreciate the continued healing support! Also, if I can be of help in any way in the wonderful work you are doing, do not hesitate to reach out." 
S. R.

"On November 8, 2019, I spent several hours in the emergency room with serious premature ventricular contractions (PVC), tachycardia and some atrial fibrillation. The premature ventricular contractions were in the danger zone of 24%. One could die if this were to continue or worsen. It took another several weeks to get the cardiologist appointment and subsequent further testing, which confirmed the initial data. Meanwhile, my heart had given me severe night sweats and other issues, once again indicating nighttime A-Fib runs. This was not good. Then I had a phone session with Suzanne, and by the next morning, my heart was 98% better, my PVCs dropped to 1% and my night sweats left and no tachycardia. After two Distance Healing sessions with Suzanne, I have improved again. I am looking forward to future healing sessions."
M. S.

"Thanks so much for your loving attention and healing over the spring and summer! As I think I wrote earlier, the surgery to remove my prostate went flawlessly with no problems. I didn't even need any serious pain-killers post-op and was able to manage the whole thing with Tylenol. They commented in the recovery room that I was one of the very few patients they have ever seen who woke up from anesthesia smiling! And I attribute that sense of ease through the whole process very much to Suzanne's deep, deep healing influence. Also, there was no evidence of spread at the time of surgery, and there was no evidence of any disease left at three months, though we keep monitoring for the year. So, all is good and healing well!"
B. R.

"Our call yesterday was wonderful, and this morning, I woke up feeling millions of times better! Thank you so much for what you do!"
T. K.

"I am so grateful for the session on Monday. Even though it was for my daughter, I felt the effects nevertheless. I had the same feeling of lightness in the heart as I had in my first session. I was reassured about Maria."
A. G.

"Many thanks to Suzanne! It made a big difference for me. Some things that she mentioned resonated so much with me that I cried. I am so very grateful for her consciousness-based healing and help! This was an excellent transformative Distance Healing session in all its parts." 
S. S.

"I am thankful from the bottom my heart for the advice."
A. L. 

"Suzanne's intuitiveness and healing abilities are unmatched. Prior to the consultation, I was depressed with a sense of hopelessness due to medical conditions. During the session, my body felt lighter. I felt each cell of my body being reenergized. The session was wonderfully blissful and productive. I feel stronger, healthier and more positive. As the days go by, my sense of well-being continues to increase."
L. H.

"I received practical follow-up advice that struck a chord within me."
C. M.

"Suzanne was able to quickly put my mind at ease and start the healing process. I have a renewed sense of purpose in life, and I feel more balance, light and love inside."
D. R.

"Ed's been transformed. He says, of all the people I've contacted, you seem the clearest and most helpful. You really spoke to HIM and targeted key points. He had some realizations and suggestions that were perfectly in line with my feelings and ideas. It was so cool that they came from his side without my prompting!"
U. M.

"Suzanne is a wonderful, evolved soul and a blessing to the people of this community."
R. V.

"My consultation was really truly wonderful!"
R. L.

"Suzanne Stryker is a super LOVE STAR! A big thank you for sharing!" 
K. W.

"I appreciate all of the support I received. YES, YES, YES, YES! I do know and feel deep inside that what Suzanne said is what is best for me."
C. R.

"The pain and sadness went away! My doubts are gone, and I feel so happy. THANKS SO MUCH!!! We call it DANKE!"
F. C.

"I am appreciative of what Suzanne is doing." 
B. Y.

"My life hasn't been the same since. I feel as though I have gone from prison into freedom. I wanted this for so long. I can't believe it is happening."
J. T.

"I’m enjoying a more trusting, less fearful relationship with money and accepting the resulting gifts of beauty and connection in my life. I’m also more trusting in general—of myself and of life."
L. T.

"It’s a wonderful thing Suzanne is doing for the health of individuals and for the world. I enjoyed experiencing the silent, powerful energy of the group and of her own coherent consciousness." 
T. D.

"I am feeling this beautiful healing in my heart that has continued these last two days. I feel humbled that I have been graced with such love and compassion. I feel very thankful."
D. S.

"I'm kind of slow to do this kind of thing. I went to a healer before, and I didn't get a lot out of it. I had addiction issues that I needed help with and there had been no change. I had a friend urge me to have a consultation with Suzanne. I didn't do it. Part of the reason was that I was thinking that I probably wouldn't get much out of this healer either. Then I met Suzanne and there was something about her that touched me deeply. I wanted to be around her and I knew that I wanted to try a session with her. I tried the first session and nothing happened. Then I had a second session with her. Immediately after that, I was surprised that the addiction issues seemed completely resolved. Months later, I feel such great freedom. I am so thankful."
J. T.

"When I think of Suzanne, and that is a lot, I feel a helpful healing sort of energy."
L. P.

"I always enjoy the Distance Healings, insights and personal stories. I feel amazed to count Suzanne as a friend, to enjoy her love and encouragement."
V. G.

"Since our session 10 days ago, I have noticed increased energy, clarity and useful insights."
D. C.

"What Suzanne said was extremely helpful. Everything she said about me was the perfect thing. Everything rang true—just the right thing at the right time." 
R. V.

"I felt near zero at the beginning and then afterwards felt 100%."
P. L.

"I am so thankful to Suzanne for figuring out what five doctors couldn’t." 
D. P.

"Even though I’m 90, I feel better than I did when I was 80. I give Suzanne credit."
M. K.

"I had a lot of pain and discomfort, and my physician thought I had a disease which could be rapidly fatal, so he was giving me very toxic drugs. I was just getting worse. Thanks to Suzanne I’m getting better very quickly!"
R. P.

"Suzanne is a strong, loving presence that made it so effortless to experience my unfettered inner nature. I felt my pains, worries and fears become totally overwhelmed by the Bliss that she touched in me."
T. U.

"Thanks again for all the love and support. Suzanne is truly beautiful." 
C. S.

"My heart health has improved amazingly and feels quite wonderful. Huge thank you for that!" 
M. S.

"I’m in my eighties and my macular degeneration had progressed to where it seemed like I was looking through dark plastic. Everything was blurry and dark, and I could only read very large print. Now, that intense blurriness and darkness is gone, and I can read regular print without my reading glasses. My doctor is completely mystified since this disease is supposed to be incurable."
Q. D.

"Suzanne is an exquisite Soul, with a beautiful heart and remarkable perception."
V. A.

"This lady has a lot of love to give, and I think that’s the essence of her healing abilities." 
C. B.

"Suzanne inspires ideal relationships—where both parties come together to give to one another, rather than taking. I am thankful that this was enlivened in me."
U. M.

"Really enjoyed my session. The knowledge was profound and confirmed what I've been feeling for a while. There were times when I actually felt a subtle connection with the Divine. Keep up the good work!"
S. R.

"I like what Suzanne is doing and look forward to more sessions!"
V. C.

"I felt an embracing inclusiveness, a cherishing expansiveness of heart, sinking deeper during the month. I am following the glimmers of intuition more and am glad."
P. B.

"The immediate effect was fatigue. I wanted to sleep and I felt very tired the whole evening and went to bed early that night. The next day there was a difference in my daily meditation program. It was smoother, deeper and I didn't seem to get those occasional bouts of restlessness that I felt before. And then, maybe two or three days later, I suddenly had this sensation in the heart as if a constricted feeling that I didn't even know was there, had lifted. I am less worried and more able to do what I want to do without worrying about what people think. So thank you loads for your good work. It has been very precious." 
A. A.

"I found yesterday's session very profound. It never ceases to amaze me how effective and useful it is. That is why I never want to miss it. I was feeling very stressed and unhappy, tired and feeling trapped. After the session, I felt like I'd been put back together again. My negative feelings subsided and I breezed through a stressful situation."
M. R.

"Even just one session has given me tremendous inner strength."
V. G.

"I feel very thankful for an epic Distance Healing yesterday! When a big hulking mountain of physical discomfort and the status quo feels a slight shift within, then you know there's a Major Player at work in your life! When a tangle in the fabric of the universe is released, then Creation Itself breathes the sigh of relief I experienced yesterday."
A. C.

"The session this afternoon did me so much good, like putting balm on my heart. It was extraordinary."
A. N.

"Thank you so much for your loving counsel. I feel inspired and energized."
M. P.

"I think Suzanne is doing God's will." 
W. R.

"All Suzanne’s words are powerful and very intuitive for my daughter. She will use her insights in the years to come. We very much enjoyed the Distance Healing session."
D. R.

"Many thanks for last Thursday! I am endlessly grateful for Suzanne's presence and insights into our lives."
G. J.

"Thanks sooo much for this lovely, lovely afternoon and all the sweet messages you gave me today!!! It fills my heart and I feel so soothed and comforted with what you told me! Thanks again!"
U. C.

"Just a quick note to say how much we enjoyed Suzanne and her experiences. And how much we love her. And how desperately we derive comfort from her presence in our lives. Self-sufficiency is nice, as far as it goes, but having a Vedic Whisperer in our lives is far more reassuring. Without Suzanne, the feeling is we'd be doomed. Too worn down by far to work the kinks out of the Vedic Fabric of our lives."
R. L.

"I cannot believe what is pouring out of me since my meeting with Suzanne. It has been going on for months and the last vestiges of this energy is leaving."
M. J.

"I loved our time together, so precious and deep, nurturing and healing. Suzanne is remarkable, in every way. Exquisitely beautiful." 
C. N.

"Thanks to dear Suzanne, for her joyful and generous heart, for her modesty and greatness, for 'suffering' the hum of the universe while the rest of us live our lives of peaceful, quiet and helpless desperation. Lucky are those of us who had the presence of mind to include a golden parachute in our contracts. That parachute would be dear Suzanne of the Vedas! Whether she is laughing or serious, practical or profound, human, fairy or divine, she is a Wonder! And cute enough to star in her own action hero series!"
A. C.

"I feel extremely appreciative of the astounding session today and it continues to unfold in greater clarity, bliss, healing and Mother Divine. You are a great gift to the planet. With all my heart, I thank you. I dearly love and honor you."
B. W.

"I gained clarity and direction in an area where I had been painfully stuck. I felt true freedom."
V. A.

"I am so thankful for Suzanne’s divine Yagyas and sage advice! She is a precious gem and I adore her!"
D. D.

"I also noticed several additional events of very special interest. On the first day, some sort of synchronicity occurred when an extended-family relative, out of touch for a long while, called unexpectedly, and we found ourselves talking very amiably, ultimately arriving at the topic of collective consciousness—a highly surprising and unexpected incident that seemed somehow related to my Distance Healing energy. During the second day, my digestion, which is usually weak and in need of Ayurvedic balancing and supporting herbs, suddenly became a ball of energy, focus and perfect action to the point that I felt certain that the Devatas in charge of that physiological function were finally jumping into perfect action. My entire body core felt enlivened and so perfectly in digestive balance. Finally, during my TM Programs on the second day, my clarity was profound with not only mental light and energy, but also profoundly clear cognition of the flow of energy coming to a sharp point embodied in my physiology. I experienced several aha moments of understanding just zooming forth into my physical structure. I definitely am anticipating my next three Distance Healings to explore the possibilities further."
J. L.

"I was in a state of shock when I came, having just learned a few days ago that I had an advanced stage of cancer. During the session, I felt like I had been in a deep meditation. Blocked energy flowed. It was like I suddenly woke up. I felt balanced and grounded and such a warm, wonderful sense of home. I was so grounded for the next day at the hospital which was extremely challenging. The doubts and fears have been small and the possibilities keep looking brighter. Thank you so much. I would like others that I care about to do this."
A. B.

"The operation was a complete success with no negative occurrences or outcomes in any way for her. Before the surgery the doctors said from what they could diagnose through the CAT scans, ultrasounds, etc., that it could be a very risky and complicated surgery, and that it may even take multiple surgeries over the next few months. After surgery, the surgeon said he was very happily surprised things were not as bad as they had thought. They were able to do everything at once, and he said that she will recover fully with no permanent damage or disabilities. Though he is one of the most talented surgeons in all of Canada, he said that it was one of the most difficult surgeries he had seen, and that she was very lucky. We all know where that 'luck' came from! It was created by the power of Suzanne's love where there is no time or space. And we, all connected, gave her the extra strength, courage and healing power she needed. Suzanne has to take so very very much of the credit for this wonderful, positive and blissful outcome."
C. A.

"Seeing Suzanne was like experiencing wisdom in motion. I felt lighter and brighter."
G. C.

"I am experiencing a scary change in my life and feel grateful that Suzanne saw what was going on. After a few minutes with her, I felt increased energy while also feeling more relaxed and clear about my future." 
W. T.

"Thank you for everything. The best part was that Suzanne verified my own convictions about some of my problems. This gave me more confidence still. I was also energized afterward."
E. B.

"The Distance Healing session was so soft and powerful, like submerging into an ocean of warmth and intense silence. I felt all the separate parts of myself cementing together in a greater integrated wholeness, and a deep sense of peace and happiness. The love in the room and beyond was palpable, rich and soothing, and I gobbled it up like coconut pudding." 

"The consultation was helpful. It gave me greater confidence. Thanks to Suzanne for sharing her gift."
K. S.

"Deeper peace, silence and loving presence."
T. K. M.

"Many thanks, Suzanne, for the private session with you. I slept through the whole night without waking once and awoke feeling genuinely happy, fresh and protected, as in a bubble of silence, and not too surprised to feel some real bliss and stability percolating up through the whole morning. This awareness was tested by the intrusion of thoughts of recent social interactions that challenged my state of mind, and I was rewarded by discovering greater ability to turn these around in a more cosmic perspective. Also, I heard sounds which I relate to experiences in temples or similar holy places or events." 
D. W.

"I had been plagued for years with a chronic health problem and more recently another health issue. Within five minutes after talking with Suzanne, I got a call that there was an opening to see the doctor I've been trying to see. He and two other doctors recommended the surgery you had suggested, so I had it done. Both health problems have cleared up. I haven't felt this good in a long time!" 
C. C.

"What I got was a sense and vision of a space where the golden filaments of light weave together and form a matrix of high bliss energy, maybe like the fabric you mentioned. I also got that time is a whole, not a destination, and that the journey is best appreciated by not resisting anything and taking it as it comes—by just letting go."
K. L. B.

"When I began writing to address my situation, the words flowing through my hand were clearly from some great, all-knowing power within the Self. They addressed the cosmic purpose and karmic intricacies of my situation, and the divine love being sent for support. This eased the distress in a huge way, and I’m so grateful for this opportunity to quietly heal and move forward."

"I feel a tremendous boost from Suzanne's work."
R. B.

"I am experiencing not just growing intuition but also the courage, that allows the mind to finally let go and trust the inner knowing."
R. A.

"I felt like deep healing was going on, in so many different ways and directions that it was impossible to know them all, so I just sunk in THAT and thoroughly enjoyed it. Later, many valuable insights dawned."
M. M.

"I got great inner guidance in many areas of my life: health, finances, life purpose and my relationships with others."
N. S.

"On a subtle level, I saw a band of angels in the heavens that sang in wavelike chords of rising and falling harmonies, subsuming all the individual voices into a continuous chorus that continues night and day. On a practical level, I had an idea to help relieve the pain and swelling in my husband's feet. It worked. Some ideas came for my health concerns as well."
K. H.

"I experienced a huge revelation of my place in the universe." 
G. C.

"I perceived a cosmic structure, a cone of consciousness, then there were two cones with their points pointing together and there were very fine threads. There was a sense that I was experiencing something profound and basic to existence."
R. A.

"During the call, I was in a great deal of pain from my recent surgery, yet I experienced light and a wave of love came over me. I was happy that the condition of my body seemed to improve. A positive change happened that continued and has stayed with me since that call a few weeks ago. Progress!"
G. M.

 "I had an unusual stomachache for the past 24 hrs. Suzanne had an intention to correct my stomach problems which delighted and surprised me. After the call my stomachache was gone. Wow! I definitely enjoyed all Suzanne said. I look forward to our next conversation."
C. L.

"I appreciate all of the work Suzanne has done on me. I think it has contributed greatly to my progress."
S. S.

"Thank you for blessing so many!"
L. S.

"I had an inner voice speak very clearly and lovingly to me, providing answers to my questions. It was followed by the most beautiful color of blue light I have ever seen, followed by sitting in the transcendent Self. Very powerful and healing."
T. B.

"Great call. I noticed my sense of well-being was clearly improved." 
C. S.

"We have received a great amount of help from you in terms of our health, spiritual development, and family harmony over the last 15 months. We love you and appreciate your work very much."
B. M.

 "I felt very alert and there was a deep relaxation within my body, so intimate and full. I experienced the totality of me relaxing. This rarely happens when I am involved with an activity. I felt warm and so very full of myself. It was a very unusual feeling, although I felt more like me than ever. All distractions that weren't me left and I was able to experience just myself. It was the self I was as a little child, really familiar. Very full, very lovely, and I bless you for giving myself to me." 
S. A.

"Suzanne is doing really wonderful work and I'm so happy that she is sharing her sublime talents with the world."
K. H.

"What a blessing Suzanne gives out each time. I still feel it. Great meditation/absorption/ecstasy this morning."
C. M.

"During the call I felt comfortable, free and relaxed. I also was feeling free to expand my thoughts and dreams to other areas of life which may bring other opportunities and unknown possibilities—more freedom of all possibilities. Thanks to Suzanne for her wisdom, love and care for all of us and for the work that she is doing."
C. L.

"This conference call was helpful in a different way from the last. Before, I was a mess, and the turbulence was greatly soothed by that last call. Now, I have almost stabilized fully back to my balance, and so there was not such a contrast from this call. It did give some insights that are useful and turned up some profound reassurances. So I very much appreciate this."
G. D.

"Suzanne is blessed to have this level of consciousness open to her at all times."
R. M.

"Maharishi used to say that we can actually change tissue structure at subtle levels in our body with our powerful Vedic techniques. I hope this is exactly what is happening. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts."
J. L.

"This really helps align me to my higher purpose. I get clear answers to my questions so I don't waste so much time and energy on less important things."
M. C.

"Reveal Wisdom holds up to its name; wisdom reveals itself to me during these calls."
A. B.

"Thanks for holding the meetings. Suzanne's warm, enthusiastic welcome to callers made me (and everyone) feel personally welcomed and appreciated, as if the meeting was designed just for each caller. During the first part I felt quiet and settled and I enjoyed the quietness." 
A. D.

"Since I have been getting Suzanne's Distance Healings, I notice more connection to my surroundings, more continuity of call-and-response in my ongoing conversation with the world: joyful and serious play. I notice more synchronicity. Guidance comes in signs that I seem to understand, sometimes after some reflection. Recently a series of birds came to my attention, and with a little research I learned a bit about their traditional significations. It stirred helpful insights about something I am dealing with now. I am more able to accept from the world what seems to be communication about what is going on in my individual life, instead of thinking that it cannot possibly be so."
A. C.

"It is a blessing, and I have seen myself making real progress, taking more steps (big steps even!) with more clarity and connectedness to my inner guidance."
M. N.

"My experience during the phone call was very deep. Thank you." 
C. B.

"I got insights one after another to various areas of my life."
T. D.

"Answers came quickly to my questions."
R. F.

"Thank you for this work you are doing and for the help you are offering." 
C. D.

"I want to thank you for including me in your phone session this week. I appreciated your insights. I especially enjoyed having the influence of Vedic sounds and Gandharva through you."
M. L.

"Suzanne is right that wording is an awareness of mine. I am a writer and words are powerful for me. I appreciate the courage it takes to present our gifts to the world and to confidently share them with other people. I admire what Suzanne is doing."
N. B.

"I had four questions and got simple, straightforward answers."
R. C.

"For over ten years, I've had some intense and devastating negativity blasting me from a former spouse. I got a surprising solution for how to deal with it that feels right."
B. W.

"I got clear answers." 
R. M.

"Again, the process produced messages of considerable comfort and confirmation that I'm capable of growing in the directions I choose. This helps shore up the spaces inside that have recently been battered by karmic circumstances. The insights move me to resolve the delicate areas by listening more to the inner voice that is the truth, that can be trusted without reservation. I feel bigger in awareness and understanding from this conference call. Bless Suzanne for her work."
D. C.

"I perceived a second type of breath, not limited to my gross breath. It was a very refined breath and not limited to my body. It was energizing and clean. It penetrated, was extremely refined, and universal. I felt I needed to be aware of this subtle breath more for my health and well being. Thank you!" 
P. W.

"I have unusual and cosmic experiences with these sessions! This time, I perceived, on a subtle level, a big dish-like structure in the middle of my head behind my third eye, in the pituitary area. I felt healing and expanding bliss in my pituitary. On the right side, I could see out into the universe. It was expansive and I was drinking it in. There was lots going on in the universe and it was all glowing. On the left side was quietness and darkness."
C. R.

"Suzanne's session was simple yet profound. I asked about dharma and heard it to be the embodiment of Light/Love/Oneness on the planet." 
Y. S.

"I liken this experience to prolonged stress releases during long meditation practices over the years and can imagine a huge breakout of some blocked up stresses lodged in my system. I am so happy to leave these behind. My original focus with your Distance Healings was centered around sharp discomfort in several physical areas, and as I reflect now, these sharp pains and discomforts seem gone—?? I don't know if they'll return, but I have to imagine that some very dark emotions were a source of these long-time pains."
J. L.

"I notice better health since receiving Distance Healings. My body feels more alive in the moment and steadfast in healing ability. As an obvious example, I am having a series of eye treatments and the doctor is very happy that my eye is already responding optimally from the first treatment. I think it is significant that, from my health provider's batch of photos, I chose this doctor by noticing what Suzanne calls 'pull,' or feeling drawn to someone. She suggests being aware of that pull and following it. It helped me choose this doctor. Not only is he an outstanding surgeon, he also communicates clearly and is not in a rush when I have questions. In my health, I also feel a subtler physical coherence, as though my body is itself making moment-to-moment choices, or expressions, in the direction of health instead of entropyrecognizing and going toward the light, even somehow creating and being created by that light." 
A. C.

"I got an answer to a financial question: that I should donate to charity." 
C. N.

"I became clearer on what to do regarding a health concern."
G. J.

"I saw a King chanting Veda (pure knowledge)." 
M. R.

"It was very healing. It was like a deep healing session." 
P. D.

"I felt lots of subtlety, waves of bliss, light. I felt blissful things happening." 
R. Z.

 "Thank you for the powerful session tonight. Full of lots of radiating bliss or shakti. Also I had some deep emotional releases."
T. S.

"Since Suzanne moves as a Force of Nature, she steps softly and the earth trembles beneath her feet." 
D. N.

"Thanks so much. It was very uplifting. Suzanne's superfluid talk is so clear and simple. Very enjoyable. Lots of bliss and expansion." 
F. C.

"Suzanne's healing for my heart improved the functioning of my heart according to the P.A. who looked at my EKG results. He said I didn't need a mechanical valve for my right aortic valve!"
D. B.

"Very blissful call, uplifting. I like all the suggestions about trying out new stuff in art and other areas. Thanks so much. Still feel the expanding bliss."
R. M.

"From resulting clarity, we took a huge step. We had to make a quick decision in just one day about switching treatment plans and surgeons for a risky surgery. We made the switch on our own accord and are so glad we did. No infection, fewer doctor visits and the price was half of what other surgeons were going to charge."

"When I called Suzanne I was in a panic about my health (advanced bone cancer) and life situation, but I could feel that melting away as we talked. Her insights are so clear and full of love. They had the effect of helping me face my difficulties with compassion. Thank you!"
M. A.

"I was so happy after I had a session with Suzanne Stryker. I had been having a lot of trouble with food related issues. It seemed as though no matter what I did I couldn't stop eating. Then after talking to Suzanne something happened and for six months I was easily able to stop overeating. After that something else happened. All of a sudden I discovered that I could sleep much better. I'd had insomnia off and on most of my life. However after I had the session with Suzanne, all of a sudden I could fall asleep in just a few minutes and that had never happened before."
C. L.

"Having Suzanne work on my problems with my parents was a tremendous experience. I discovered that after many years of ruminating, I could let go of a lot of the issues I had."
M. R.

"I learned a lot through my Phone Session with Suzanne. I would highly recommend a Phone Session with Suzanne to anyone."
C. R.

"The overall impact and results of my second Distance Healing Package were very long-reaching, unlike my first package which was very acutely valuable but didn't heavily linger for many days. The first day of my second healing was fairly neutral, pleasant and relaxing, but over the next few nights, I had highly emotional dreams that were overshadowing, and for the next couple of weeks, I was extremely sad and emotionally distressed. Then after two weeks, gradually each day became less and less overshadowing."

"Here is what I have experienced from the Distance Healings. I have more vigor, more vitality across the range of my human experience: spiritual, mental, emotional, physical. My new vitality carries me through the things I think to do, great and smallwhether it's making some hot milk or writing a difficult letterwithout hesitating or doubting myself. I don't tear down my thoughts of taking action; I feel I have a place in life."
A. C.

"I very much enjoyed the Group Healing. Knowing the 'when' positively impacted my body/mind system. I went into a very deep sleep the moment I knew the healing had begun. It was 'cracker night' here in Tasmania, with many loud explosions, but I rested, knowing I was being nurtured by the Vedic Ascended Masters. Danni had already passed away. I still cry daily over Danni’s passing, but there is a purity within my grief, with the egoic part already witnessed and lifted. Now the healing begins.❤️"
C. M.

"Dear Suzanne, it is so kind and generous of you to do daily group healings for all who have ever had any healing from you in the past.  It was so uplifting to read about the 'secret' that you have quietly been keeping. What a blessing! Thank you again for all you are doing to uplift our lives and the world."
H. C.

"I was so fortunate to have your healing services recently when I had to undergo very complicated gallbladder surgery. This surgery had been attempted a year before, but was painfully unsuccessful, so I was very frightened and anxious. To add to the anxiety, the highly skilled surgeon whom I liked very much was suddenly not available. I had to quickly agree to have another surgeon because it was important to have the operation soon to prevent further infection.

"I listened to your special recording to help those who need to have surgery or take drugs. Your recording was like a gift from God and changed my whole experience.

"Although it rarely snows here in England, it did the morning of the operation. Everything was transformed into beautiful white. I was carried through the whole process by a totally angelic, supportive and deeply loving team of people at the hospital. Everyone was so kind and patient with me and my multiple sensitivities and drug intolerances. I felt blessed by the whole medical team. It was like I was in a different state: I wasn't just perceiving the surface value of these people, I was seeing deep into them like they were angels, and they treated me like someone they really cared for.

"Another surgeon who witnessed my surgery said that in all his 25 years, he had never seen such a difficult operation. There were severe adhesions and so it was like removing Velcro. It was very delicate work to detach my gallbladder from the surrounding organs, and to add to the difficulty, it was a keyhole operation. My surgeon said he was amazed at the successful outcome.

"Even though I had only a few hours' sleep in the past 24 hours, that night in the hospital, I had a transformational experience. From high above me, six shimmering golden shafts of light came down to the operated area of my body. There was a powerful but pleasant sensation of being pulled up while these golden beams were floating on top of me. I don't know if I could have left my body, or what was happening, but I remember something you said on the recording that was grounding and made me realize I had a choice. Then, a great awareness came, and with it, an important insight. I had wondered why I had so many stressful health problems over the past four years and thought I must have done something terrible in a past life. A huge overwhelming kindness enveloped me, and a voice said, 'Don't feel like that. Everybody makes mistakes.' It was extraordinary, so deeply loving and assuring.

"Over the next few days, the hospital staff was surprised that I only needed to take Paracetamol for pain relief, and half the usual dosage at that. Also, they were astonished that I felt fine and was able to go home on the fourth day.

"There was a definite cosmic dimension to the whole experience which cushioned my fears and which I believe allowed me to be miraculously discharged so quickly, and with a very good outcome for a full recovery. It was like you orchestrated everything, or God did, or whatever. It was extraordinary."

A few days later, A. L. sent this update:

"I continue to improve and gain strength and also gained some much-needed weight. I listened to two of your other recordings, and they were like profound meditations and really centered me. I think you are absolutely remarkable. My husband and I send our love and thanks for all your help."
 A. L. 

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