I perceive the world through various lenses. I have shared a few of them with you: bliss, oneness, pure knowledge and sacred intelligence. In this writing, I offer another perspective.
First, I would like to share with you Jerry Carson's turnaround after a severe concussion. Hopefully, you have never had a head injury. Concussions can cause long-term problems with sleep, memory, mental health, balance, fatigue, headaches and other issues, so it is heartwarming to see Jerry's recovery:Ruined Bike Helmet
"Seven weeks ago, I had a bike accident while going 40 mph and received a severe concussion. My helmet was ruined, and I have no memory of the accident, the ambulance ride or the hours spent in the emergency room. When you did the first Distance Healing for me, I felt a sense of effervescent joy in my head and heart that lasted a few hours. Aches diminished. Dullness was replaced with feeling lighter, clearer and more in the moment. My wife even noticed the change! After your third treatment, I was able to attend an outdoor jazz performance in the evening without experiencing brain fog or collapsing at 8 p.m. During and after my meditations, I have experienced more of the flow of being and the pleasure of silence than I have experienced in the last year. Your healing has had other positive effects. I have noticed a dissolution of deeper fatigue and emotional baggage that I had accumulated from a year-long legal battle and two surgeries. It is so wonderful to finally experience the easy flow of awareness again! Thank you for helping me get to this place!"
Jerry Carson
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Inhabit Love's Habit
My life as a healer is a continuum of loving, from dawn's first breath to evening's last whisper. I treasure each person, whether broken or content. I delight in honoring their true nature.
My heart gets so much exercise that loving has become a habit. I adore this apple, apron, spider, chair. I commonly experience the mundane as a masterpiece. Even silence does not bore. It swells with sweetness, and activity stirs that even more.
I envision a realm where love is the habitual emotion of every heart. Harmony reigns, and serenity and fulfillment are commonplace. I invite you to live there with me.
Bring More Love into Your Life
If you would like to experience more love, reflecting on your tendencies may help:
- Are you in the habit of loving or judging others? For the next day, notice your tendency. If you find yourself being critical, how does it feel? Cramped, dark, unpleasant? Can you find something good about the person to appreciate? If that is not possible, try wishing them better. How does that feel? More open, sweet and enjoyable?
- Are you in the habit of loving or judging yourself? For the next day, notice your internal dialogue. Would you like to have your best friend treat you that way? Some people are so hard on themselves. It is no wonder that they feel stressed and unfulfilled. Try being your own best friend and cheerleader. Treat yourself with compassion and understanding.
- Is your heart getting enough good exercise? What could you do to bring more love into your life?
At times, fatigue and imbalances in the brain and body can make it hard to feel good about yourself or anyone else. Karma can be at the root of all kinds of problems. That is why my Distance Healings include Karmic Transformations. If you are experiencing difficulties, I hope you can resolve them yourself and experience greater love in your life.
I would love to hear your reflections about these topics. Share your thoughts in the comment section below, along with your name or a pseudonym.
My Art
My newest paintings typically only appear in blog posts. I do not have time to organize a shopping cart, but you can view recent and earlier artwork on my websites.
I just lost my sister to cancer a couple of weeks ago. My experience is one of extreme anger. It seems everyone and anyone who has ever caused me any emotional pain in my life is now pressing hard on my heart. It’s like I can’t talk to anyone right now because I’m afraid my anger may pour out onto them no matter who may talk to me. Even your beautiful words of bliss and beauty almost touch me like stinging burrs. And yet I deeply wonder what a life that you describe would actually be like. I’m glad for you and the healings you do and the uplifting story about the man whom you healed. Thank you.
I really like your idea about when you find yourself feeling critical about someone else to notice some thing you like about them or something to appreciate about them. That certainly feels a lot better. truth be told, I’m more judgmental then I thought, Thank you for helping to clean up my mind and heart!
Yikes! I tried some of your suggestions and realized how self-critical I am. I would not want to be my best friend. But, as you say, Realization is the first step. Thank you.
I had a concussion years ago, and after reading this, it dawned on me that some of my symptoms could be a residual from that. I will have to check out your healings.
Suzanne, I keep making the same mistakes over and over, loosing money, and I get disappointed in myself, I know about self love, I am just so hard on myself. I will take your above suggestions.