Oprah, documentaries with David Lynch and Swiss filmmakers, the Associated Press, Buddha at the Gas Pump, Studies by Stanford, Walter Day Award, new brainwave research, international study on the happiest, most enlightened people. For updates, discounts and group healing notifications, subscribe to Suzanne's free monthly newsletter.

Excerpts from Trading Places with God


A word about God. God has different names in different traditions. Whenever I mention the word "God," please feel free to substitute whatever name of God works for you. If even the word "God" makes you feel uncomfortable, substitute in your mind and heart whatever concept feels natural to you such as spirit, universal love, mother nature or cosmic intelligence. If you have a non-dualist inclination, please consider that you can have a love affair with the Supreme Self and not step out of unity for a moment. The lover and the beloved can unite and be one.



Below are a few excerpts from my audio, "Trading Places with God." This audio is available to anyone who is currently receiving a Distance Healing.



My relationship with God is odd. A relationship takes two. I experience One. I look hard but I can’t find anything outside of that Oneness. All is my Self with a capital "S". When it comes to God, perhaps out of respect, I place God so high in my awareness that He/She/It is almost out of reach. Almost. The only appropriate place for God seems to be in a sacred realm. No humans allowed. I don’t understand how, but by some miracle, my awareness can approach that sacred realm.


In 1976, God left His imprint on my heart. The crude winds of time have not erased it. I see and feel Him behind the scenes, adding meaning and love to my life. I appreciate God and His creation so much that I feel a friendly family feeling with everything.

The way I normally experience God is like having a beloved companion and guardian around all the time. He replaces the sterility and monotony of oneness with sweet bliss and love. He gets me out of my head and into my heart. Typically, I wouldn't describe my experiences of God any further because it's too tender and personal. Perhaps because the following experience is unusual, abstract and brings in different points of view, I venture forth to share with you.

In an instant, my point of view changed radically. I was like a child who had fallen asleep during a car trip and woke up in vacationland! Dazed, I found myself in a new place. I found myself inside God seeing through His eyes! How could this be? A moment ago, I sat as a little person in a large dome. A moment later, I was inside God. Instead of being near the altar of my Lord, I was in the altar. The hair on my subtle body stood on end.


Self-conscious of my mere humanness and the old sweatpants I wore, I wondered, “Am I clean and pure enough to be here in God, in this most sacred of all places?” Since I couldn’t put the experience on pause to go purify myself, I decided to look around inside God.


The rubber bands of my mind and senses stretched and broke. I felt like a child on her father’s shoulders. I saw beyond what was humanly possible....


[This ends the excerpts from my audio "Trading Places with God."]



  • Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Greatly appreciated.

    Hulya Seckin
  • “When someone speaks to God, (s)he is considered a very religious person. But if God talks back then it may be a mental case.” -old wrong saying.
    Instead of focusing on my requests to God I found interesting to figure out what gifts I have already received from God. An intense, interesting and fulfilling job…

  • Thank you Suzanne, for sharing your inspiring gifts, that I so love to read 💞🙏🏽I was struck by your question of purity: I too wonder if ‘little me’ is worthy of such Presence. God is always present even in all of our humanness, what seem like imperfections, our vulnerable heart & fragility. I recall the Leonard Cohen song ‘ the crack is where the Light gets in’. Thank you 🙏🏽💐

    Tulie M Smith
  • That is interesting about where we / you place God. I place God in my heart, which is Self as you say…Oneness. I can not imagine God anywhere else except within the me. Even though neither of us exist, and yet we exist everywhere.

    Colette Millar
  • I feel blessed to know you.

    sharon harris

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