Oprah, documentaries with David Lynch and Swiss filmmakers, the Associated Press, Buddha at the Gas Pump, Studies by Stanford, Walter Day Award, new brainwave research, international study on the happiest, most enlightened people. For updates, discounts and group healing notifications, subscribe to Suzanne's free monthly newsletter.

My Last Conversation with Maharishi, Part 4 of 4

This blog post contains Maharishi's final and unusual comments on the last experience I told him in 2006. I like to give gifts, so further below I announce the date for the next Group Healing and other healing gifts for newsletter subscribers. The accompanying images of my artwork include a few new paintings. The first one is very long—2 x 4 feet (0.61 x 1.22 meters).

First, good news from
Zeena Shirra:

"I bought 13 Distance Healing sessions for my son, who, after years of struggling with his mental health, recently discovered he has ADHD. A month ago, he fell apart, and after receiving your healings, he has found the help he needs and is slowly but surely learning to manage himself. He is calmer and is for the first time talking about self-forgiveness, which is amazing. All this had seemed impossible a month ago, so I simply wanted to say thank you."

Read 356 reports from your friends about my services.



My Last Conversation with Maharishi, Part 4 of 4

In my previous blog post, I shared the third part of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's response to the last experience I told him. In this final part, Maharishi referred to Jane Taylor's popular lullaby, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. This is why some people call me "Twinkle" or "Little Star." Here is this lovely lullaby in its entirety so that you understand his reference and can enjoy its depth:

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.

When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

Then the traveler in the dark
Thanks you for your tiny spark,
How could he see where to go,
If you did not twinkle so?

In the dark blue sky you keep,
Often through my curtains peep
For you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky.

As your bright and tiny spark
Lights the traveler in the dark,
Though I know not what you are,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

Maharishi: "YOU JUST LIVE YOUR TREASURY, AND LET THE PEOPLE WONDER. What is that, 'wonder how'? 'How I wonder what you are,' someone said to the star (laughs), like that. Beautiful experience. It was very delightful to hear from you, Veda. I am the Veda, I am the Veda, I am the Veda. It’s very beautiful."

Note: In his final comments, Maharishi addresses the moderator of our conference call, the President of Maharishi International University, Dr. John Hagelin.

Maharishi: "DR. HAGELIN, BLESS YOUR STUDENTS. THEY ARE MASTERS. They are no more students. You can assign them teachership. They have risen to that level of owning the reality on the level of being the reality, not only owning on the intellectual level, but being on the ego level. Being on the level of reality themselves, totality—brahman."

Note: Regarding Maharishi's above concluding remarks, some people contend that he was just referring to me, but I hope he was referring to all of the 2000-plus people who were listening to the conference call at that time.

If you are interested in hearing a further explanation and discussion about Veda, this interview is cued to a section where I elaborate on the topic.


Seven Healing Gifts

This month, you have the opportunity to receive several gifts. All recipients will be selected by random pick from among my newsletter subscribers. The first two gifts are Distance Healings. The other five gifts are invitations to my July 30 Group Healing. Watch for our emails. If your name is picked, you need to respond within three days so that we can send you the invitation in time.

Please note that anyone who has a Distance Healing anytime between June 1 and July 25 will automatically receive the Group Healing invitation as a bonus and does not need to let us know if they will participate.


© 2023 Suzanne B. Stryker, Inc. All rights reserved.










































  • Thank you so much for sharing Maharishi’s words and your experiences.

  • Made me smile. This really brings this unique moment with Maharishi to life again, like the DNA in the amber in Jurassic Park (haha). I never got to meet Maharishi (I’m middle aged now) but I get a sense of his personality and way of being with his students from reading this.

  • Always a pleasure to read your uplifting words, Suzanne.

  • First of all, I would love to acknowledge the beauty of Maharishi’s seemingly simple statements that carry profound depth🙏. “Twinkle, twinkle little star” brought to mind the teaching of “not hiding your light under a bushel”. By shining our true spirit brightly, we honour Life. Thank you so much for sharing your conversations with Maharishi❤️

    Jennifer Hooper
  • That is very beautiful. We are all like little stars – and that is a nice thought to share.

    Ragnhild Boes

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