Writings by Suzanne B. Stryker
The Portable Sanctuary, the Beginning of Creation, New Paintings and 10 Healing Gifts
Finally! I was able to find words to describe some of the unusual and abstract experiences that I have been promising for a while to write for you. To go along with that theme, I created new abstract paintings for you to enjoy.
Family Sacrifices and Transformations, Part 1
Conflicts and wars produce trauma. Everyone has relatives who lived during the Second World War, during which approximately three percent of the world's population perished and untold numbers were wounded, displaced and traumatized. I am bringing all this up because current global conflicts demand that we heal these blocks for inner and outer peace...
Gift of Transforming Habits
We have before us a unique opportunity for transforming our lives and our world for better times. To assist that transformation, let us do what we can to purify and reprogram ourselves...
Mantra for the Moment
My experience of oneness with trees led to perceptions from a tree's point of view and then from God's point of view. Complementing the experience are images of my landscapes and readers' comments...