Writings by Suzanne B. Stryker
Bliss Tips, No Regrets, Frets or Fears
From doing thousands of healings, I see that people are too much in their heads and out of touch with their bodies. As a result, both mind and body suffer.
The Portable Sanctuary, the Beginning of Creation, New Paintings and 10 Healing Gifts
Finally! I was able to find words to describe some of the unusual and abstract experiences that I have been promising for a while to write for you. To go along with that theme, I created new abstract paintings for you to enjoy.
Gift of Transforming Habits
We have before us a unique opportunity for transforming our lives and our world for better times. To assist that transformation, let us do what we can to purify and reprogram ourselves...
It Grabs Me
I described how my connection with nature drew me up, up, up into the lap of Divine Mother. I included images of my landscapes and a Tools and Tips section to nourish your own experiences...