Oprah, documentaries with David Lynch and Swiss filmmakers, the Associated Press, Buddha at the Gas Pump, Studies by Stanford, Walter Day Award, new brainwave research, international study on the happiest, most enlightened people. For updates, discounts and group healing notifications, subscribe to Suzanne's free monthly newsletter.

Writings by Suzanne B. Stryker

Bliss Tips, No Regrets, Frets or Fears

From doing thousands of healings, I see that people are too much in their heads and out of touch with their bodies. As a result, both mind and body suffer.

The Portable Sanctuary, the Beginning of Creation, New Paintings and 10 Healing Gifts

Finally! I was able to find words to describe some of the unusual and abstract experiences that I have been promising for a while to write for you. To go along with that theme, I created new abstract paintings for you to enjoy.

Gift of Transforming Habits

We have before us a unique opportunity for transforming our lives and our world for better times. To assist that transformation, let us do what we can to purify and reprogram ourselves...

Excerpts from Trading Places with God

A few excerpts from my audio, "Trading Places with God." 

My relationship with God is odd. A relationship takes two. I experience One. I look hard but I can’t find anything outside of that Oneness. All is my Self with a capital "S". When it comes to God, perhaps out of respect, I place God so high in my awareness that He/She/It is almost out of reach. Almost. The only appropriate place for God seems to be in a sacred realm. No humans allowed. I don’t understand how, but by some miracle, my awareness can approach that sacred realm...

From Grim to Grin

I examined a lifelong burden only to find a surprise inside. Also included are images of my original artwork for you to enjoy...

Pashmina Earlobes

Listening inspired a delightful experience of unity. I have included tips to enliven greater awareness, insightfulness, connectedness and calmness in your life. Also included are over 60 spiritual quotes submitted by people from around the world...