Oprah, documentaries with David Lynch and Swiss filmmakers, the Associated Press, Buddha at the Gas Pump, Studies by Stanford, Walter Day Award, new brainwave research, international study on the happiest, most enlightened people. For updates, discounts and group healing notifications, subscribe to Suzanne's free monthly newsletter.

Writings by Suzanne B. Stryker

Gift of Transforming Habits

We have before us a unique opportunity for transforming our lives and our world for better times. To assist that transformation, let us do what we can to purify and reprogram ourselves...

Important for your Health

If you or a loved one has problems with weight, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, fatigue, mood or overall health, please read the important research at the end of this blog post...

Intuitive Process Painting

In this blog, I share intuitive insights I receive from my paintings and show examples of what I call process painting. The purpose is not to paint a pretty painting, so I do not plan what I am going to paint. Instead, I enjoy the process...

The Mystery of Color

Did you know that everyone sees color a little differently? In this blog post, I talk about the mysterious language of color. Because we are used to the way we see colors, many of us may not be aware that we have some degree of colorblindness.

Winners of Free Distance Healings

The recipients of the recent contest to win free Distance Healings with original art by Suzanne B. Stryker.

Excerpts from Trading Places with God

A few excerpts from my audio, "Trading Places with God." 

My relationship with God is odd. A relationship takes two. I experience One. I look hard but I can’t find anything outside of that Oneness. All is my Self with a capital "S". When it comes to God, perhaps out of respect, I place God so high in my awareness that He/She/It is almost out of reach. Almost. The only appropriate place for God seems to be in a sacred realm. No humans allowed. I don’t understand how, but by some miracle, my awareness can approach that sacred realm...

Caught Between

I happened to be working nearby on the lat machine, which put me right between these two volatile men. I felt like I was in a danger zone...

Celtic Blessing

This Celtic blessing is perfect for our times and reminds us how to be the change we want to see.

"The world now is too dangerous and too beautiful for anything but love. May your eyes be so blessed you see God in everyone...

I Am the Whisper

In their own way, flowers speak to me. The flowers in my garden are my teachers. In silence they share their secrets...

Divine Couple Dancing During Global Group Healing

This Divine Couple danced in rainbow colors of pure light that swirled and twirled, interacted and combined as one, as opposites that were perfectly matched and could manifest anything.

I was acutely aware of universal love/God awake in me, perceiving what I perceived and enjoying that. This presence in my awareness seemed to enliven infinite power, like a reservoir from which to draw upon to help others...

Appointment Freeze and My Guardian Angel Won't Leave Me Alone

  • My guardian angel won't leave me alone.
  • I suffer from frequent bliss attacks.
  • I misplaced my third eye glasses.
  • I went astral traveling to Pluto and can't return.
  • I'm only 16 and I've already lost my individuality.
  • My chakras are having a party and I wasn't invited...

Enlightenment Misconceptions

Stanford researchers came to visit again, driving all the way from California to Iowa. Usually when they visit ...

I've talked to people who think they are not making progress along the path because they have misconceptions. They think in higher states of consciousness ...